Archie Griffin has the distinction of being the only player in Heisman Award history to win the trophy twice. He did so in 1974 and 1975 while playing with Ohio State.

stopping drug abuse in the home abuse facts Moreover, it is worth mentioning that, it’s through the wonders of the brain that certain deadly weapons are developed. Not just weapons alone, but anything that can cause pain to the human being. For instance it is through brain thinking that some scientist where able to develop weapons of mass destructions. Also it was through the brain that scientists where able to go to the moon and even launch a satellite which today is used for quite a number of things.

The Truth: The high-functioning alcoholic is a well-known phenomenon. This is the high-powered executive or professional who slams back drinks after work, but always manages to get up in the morning and never forgets to take care of business. For now, anyway. It’s important to really look at how drinking might be impacting your life, even if you are managing to function at a high level. Is your spouse complaining about your drinking? Have you driven while intoxicated and were just lucky you didn’t get caught? Do you ever feel as if you are dancing as fast as you can to prove you can keep up the drinking and still meet your obligations?

alcohol abuse facts Charles Woodson of Michigan has been the one and only defensive player to ever win the award. He did that in 1997. Although he also returned kickoffs and punts, he was primarily a defensive back.

As a thinking person, you know that the growth of the street drug culture is, arguably, our number one societal problem. Everyone knows that, but they don’t know how to put their shoulder to the wheel to support anti-drug programs. As a PR person, all you need to do is choose an anti-drug program for your customers and you’ll be highly respected for your leadership.

substance abuse faces Keep in mind that your son or daughter is in a very dangerous position. Deaths from drug overdoses or deadly combinations of drugs is all too common. Simple experimentation can be deadly. This means that it is imperative that you act as soon as possible to help the user come the realization that rapid help is essential.

People can settle in all area’s of their lives. Financially, romantically, emotionally, spiritually etc… Does that make sense? You will find yourself living a life of mediocrity if that’s the case and not really living…it’s more like just existing.

Teens spontaneously commonly gather whenever a place comes available, this is not rare. While you may have hung out with friends at an arcade after school, your kids may be pharming. There are numerous latch key kids who have regular access to parentless homes while still at work. They gather there experimenting with prescription drugs. Where do they get them you may wonder, everywhere that’s where? It’s the hunt for drugs that is part of the fun challenge a sport if you will. Discarded or forgotten prescription drugs are found in the houses of family, friends and your own home. Teens pocket handfuls of prescription drugs left in medicine cabinets, bathrooms, old purses, suit cases, carry on luggage and on it goes as these kids get better at the hunt, the game!