The United States holds the record for the most cases of alcohol poisoning of any country in the world, with about 50 thousand cases each year! At least one person dies every week from alcohol poisoning. While it can take up to 15 years for classical cases of alcoholism to develop, those who start early can become addicted much sooner.

Surrounded by cold cement walls, only a thin sliver of 3 inch wide window gives any indication of a world outside. Two inches of stiff vinyl-covered ‘mattress’ separates my sore body from the cement floor. Ignoring the pain shooting through my limbs, I lay on the mattress in the only way possible, counting the dozen inches between my feet and the open commode. Although my preference would normally be to lie where I can see outside, the close proximity to the toilet intervenes. For now I prefer to face the steel orifice, my head 3 inches from one of two permanently placed steel stools. The irony is not lost here. My life is in the toilet.

drug abuse facts “Everyone tries it ” is a common belief among parents of today’s youth. There is a difference between “trying it” and substance abuse and addiction. It is important as a parent to keep your eyes open.

alcohol abuse facts Our party pharmaceutical drug prevention activities are helping. Now is not the time to back off, now is the time to step up our efforts, to make the kids even more aware and to alert them to the elements in society that are there trying to promote the use of drugs. If they are truly informed and know the damages that result from illegal drugs and misuse of legal ones, we can reduce the numbers of drug users dramatically.

People can settle in all area’s of their lives. Financially, romantically, emotionally, spiritually etc… Does that make sense? You will find yourself living a life of mediocrity if that’s the case and not really living…it’s more like just existing.

substance abuse faces As you can see these alcohol statistics paint a very bleak picture. Chances are if you are reading this then you are concerned with the amount of alcohol you or someone else is consuming. Here are 3 ways to help reverse the damage done by consuming alcohol.

Age can cause hair loss. When the body advances in age there is a gradual decline in cellular function including hair follicular function which will result in hair thinning and increased hair loss. Such loss of hair and baldness problems caused by age can be treated using drugs such as minoxidil. Minoxidil is a vasodilator which increases blood supply to the scalp when it is applied onto the skin of the scalp. This increases the amount of oxygen and nutrients reaching the scalp, thus stimulating all hair follicles that had gone into the resting stage to come back into the production line and increase hair growth.