Executive Director of Republic Research, Lasiono stated that a significant number of young Nahdliyin figures are participating in the regional elections in 38 regencies/cities in East Java.

The postgraduate alumnus from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) at Wijaya Kusuma University Surabaya (UWKS) considers that the emergence of young NU figures competing in the East Java Pilkada shows the success of cadre regeneration within NU.

nPreviously, PPP politician Sandiaga Uno stated that Anies Baswedan has a strong chance in the 2024 Jakarta Regional Election . Sandiaga believes that continuing development in Jakarta is essential and will favor Anies’ position

, without pressure or interference from any party.

– They are not allowed to be members of political parties or at least not be members of political parties for the last 5 years.

– It is important for prospective KPPS officers to reside in the work area of the respective KPPS. This ensures that they have a good understanding of the voting environment.

– Excellent physical and mental health is an absolute requirement for prospective KPPS officers. They must be free from drug abuse and have adequate physical and mental conditions to perform their duties well.

– While higher education is not required, prospective KPPS officers are expected to have at least a high school diploma or equivalent. This indicates that they have a sufficient basic understanding to perform administrative tasks related to the voting process.

– They must have never been imprisoned based on a court decision that has legal force for a crime punishable by imprisonment of 5 years or more.

1. KPPS is responsible for announcing and posting the Voter List (DPT) at the polling station, ensuring that voter information is available and accessible to all eligible voters.

2. KPPS must provide the Voter List to election witnesses present at the polling station and to Field Election Supervisors, ensuring transparency and continuity of the voting process.

3. The core duty of KPPS is to conduct the voting and vote counting process at the polling station according to established procedures.

4. After completing the vote count, KPPS must announce the vote count results at the polling station transparently and accurately.

5. KPPS must promptly follow up on findings and reports submitted by witnesses, Field Election Supervisors, election participants, and the public on voting day, ensuring proper correction or handling of any detected violations or irregularities.

6. Here is more information on ahy pertimbangkan dukung ridwan kamil pilkada jakarta take a look at our internet site. After the vote count, KPPS is responsible for safeguarding the integrity of the ballot box, ensuring that the voting results are not affected or manipulated after the counting process.

7. KPPS must create minutes of the voting and vote counting process and issue a certificate of the vote count results, which must be handed over to election witnesses, Field Election Supervisors, and the Sub-district Election Committee (PPK) through the Polling Committee (PPS).

8. KPPS must submit the vote count results to the PPS and Field Election Supervisors, ensuring that vote data is delivered accurately and precisely.

9. On the same day as the voting, KPPS must deliver the sealed ballot box along with the ballot papers and vote count certificates to the PPK through the PPS, ensuring transparency and security of all election materials.

10. In addition to the above duties, KPPS must also carry out other tasks, authorities, and obligations assigned by the General Election Commission (KPU), Provincial KPU, Regency/City KPU, PPK, and PPS according to applicable regulations.

11. KPPS must comply with and perform other duties, authorities, and obligations as stipulated by the applicable laws and regulations, ensuring that the election process runs according to the established legal and ethical standards.

“We have been preparing since May 2024 and the progress is ongoing. For West Java, we first map out the political landscape for the West Java Pilkada, as no party can nominate on its own. Essentially, parties in West Java must collaborate with other parties to nominate a governor and deputy governor,” said Ono at the PDIP Rakernas V, Saturday (May 25, 2024)

Hasyim explained that the related regulations are outlined in the draft KPU regulations (RPKPU) Article 19. He hopes this will provide clarity to the public. “So it’s clear which path to take, whether to become a regional head candidate or continue as a member of the DPR, DPD,” said Hasyim. If they still want to participate in the 2024 Pilkada, Hasyim asks the elected candidates in the 2024 Election to submit their resignation letters to the KPU no later than 5 days after being determined as regional head candidates. “A certificate stating that the resignation letter is being processed by the relevant KPU official should be submitted,” Hasyim emphasized.

“The young NU generation that will compete in the Pilkada has a lot of potential to be elected. They are spread across various parties and professions. Many also have a pesantren background,” said Lasio.

Hasyim added that in the 2024 Regional Elections, the KPU RI will also adopt special polling stations to ensure the fulfillment of citizens’ voting rights. “To ensure that our citizens within the designated electoral areas can still vote, such as workers in plantations and mines who cannot return to their TPS at the address on their ID cards, special location TPS will be prepared,” Hasyim emphasized.