Spokesperson for the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) Mr. Sopian said that his party prefers having two coalitions for the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election.

“The role of the media is very important in the success of the 2024 simultaneous elections, especially in providing political education and maintaining public order,” said Sigit in his speech, quoted from Antara, Tuesday (June 18, 2024).

In the meeting, Said mentioned that PKB has a strong chance of nominating Anies for the Jakarta gubernatorial election. “If PKB, as far as I know, if I heard correctly, God willing, Anies Rasyid Baswedan,” he said. Said mentioned that the results of the meeting with Cak Imin have been reported to PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto and PDIP DPP Chairwoman Puan Maharani. He also said that he would report the view to PDIP Chairwoman Megawati Soekarnoputri. “It’s not certain with PDIP, we share views, not seeking agreements. My task is to report to Ms. Puan, to Mr. Secretary General,” said Said. “There might be meetings with the Chairwoman later, discussing the results of every lobby or friendly meeting among the elites,” he stated.

**Reasons PKS Nominated Anies Baswedan-Sohibul Iman in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada** The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) formally nominated Anies Baswedan-Sohibul Iman as the cagub and cawagub candidates for the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada. PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu revealed the reasons for nominating Anies and Sohibul Iman for the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election. Anies Baswedan is considered a leader who achieved significant progress while leading DKI Jakarta. According to Syaikhu, If you loved this short article in addition to you would want to get more info relating to food bank diet analysis [why not find out more] i implore you to stop by our website. Anies’s performance has brought happiness to the residents of Jakarta. “Mr. Anies Rasyid Baswedan excelled as governor during the 2017-2022 period with various accomplishments in different sectors of development, advancing the city and satisfaction to its residents,” stated Syaikhu at the Party Leadership School Opening at Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel, Central Jakarta, on June 25, 2024. Meanwhile, Sohibul Iman, according to Syaikhu, is a scholar. He mentioned that Sohibul also has an impressive track record in government. “Mr. Sohibul Iman is a technocrat and a scholar who has acted as the rector of Paramadina University. He has experience in the legislature as Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR RI) from 2013-2014 and has been PKS President from 2015-2020,” explained Syaikhu. Syaikhu stated that PKS is a cadre party with the mandate to carry out cadre and leadership regeneration. Therefore, he said, in the 2024 simultaneous Pilkada, the party will endorse its cadres as candidates for regional heads. “Especially in areas where PKS is the winning party or has a majority of seats in the DPRD. PKS will strive to the utmost to nominate its own cadres as candidates,” stated Syaikhu.

Previously, PDIP DPP Chairman Eriko Sotarduga said that if his party cooperates with PKB to nominate Anies Baswedan in the Jakarta Pilkada, his party would offer the gubernatorial seat in East Java to PDIP. “For example, if in Jakarta PKB becomes the gubernatorial candidate. Is it okay if in East Java PDIP becomes the gubernatorial candidate? It’s not a barter, but that’s what cooperation is, we cannot work alone, we cannot be egotistical because we cannot progress alone,” stated Eriko at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, on Tuesday.

**Residents Prepare KK and E-KTP** “The results of the DP4 synchronization with the latest DPT voters are the basis for the coklit process, matching and research, which we will validate to see if the 8,315,669 voters’ data is truly valid or not,” he said. Furthermore, Fahmi hopes that residents can prepare several population documents to facilitate Pantarlih officers during the coklit process. Residents are requested to prepare their e-KTP and family card (KK).

M. Syahrul expressed his appreciation and thankfulness for being given the trust to fight together in the Pilkada in Gresik. “We will immediately consolidate and communicate, as well as reach out and meet the public to achieve the objective of winning,” he said on Monday. Regarding his reason for choosing Tri Putro Utomo as his running mate, Syahrul recognized the capability and notoriety that is expected to help garner votes. “Mas Tri is a thriving businessman, he also symbolizes the south of Gresik, while I represent the middle and north areas. Our moniker ‘Santri’ is a symbol of Gresik,” said the thirty-three-year-old politician. Foreseen to go against the sitting candidate, Syahrul stated that he is set and dedicated to making Gresik greater and more developed. With the official recommendation given to the “Santri” duo, PKB and NasDem came to terms to form a coalition in the voting scheduled for November 27th, 2024. Even though they have the required seats to file with the KPU (PKB 14 seats and NasDem two seats), they are continuing to talk with other parties that have the same objectives.

The coklit process will be carried out by voter data updating officers (Petugas Pemuktahiran Data Pemilih). At least 29,315 Pantarlih officers have been officially inaugurated by the KPU DKI Jakarta. This was stated by the Head of Data and Information Division of KPU DKI Jakarta, Fahmi Zikrillah, at the Readiness Ceremony of Voter Data Updating Officers (Pantarlih) for the gubernatorial election (Pilgub) at the Jakarta International Velodrome, Rawamangun, East Jakarta, on June 24, 2024.