Deputy Secretary-General of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Syaiful Huda welcomed the proposal from Chairperson of the DPP PDIP Mr. Sotarduga to support Mr. Baswedan in the 2024 Jakarta regional elections, while the gubernatorial seat in East Java is given to PDIP.

The 2024 Regional Head Election (Pilkada) will be held simultaneously in 37 provinces on November 27 2024. The General Election Commission (KPU) of Indonesia has launched the stages of the simultaneous Pilkada implementation, which was inaugurated at Garuda Mandala, Prambanan Temple Complex, Yogyakarta, witnessed by the Regional Secretary of DIY, Beny Suharsono, on Sunday, quoted from the official statement of the Yogyakarta Provincial Government.

In the vibrant tapestry of Indonesian politics, a planned meeting in between Megawati Soekarnoputri, the leader of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Battle (PDIP), and Prabowo Subianto, the newly elected Head of state and leader of the Gerindra Party, signifies a considerable step towards unity and cooperation. Hasto Kristiyanto, the Secretary-General of PDIP, has actually verified that there are no concerns concerning this expected event. This short article explores the effects of this meeting, reviewing its significance for Indonesian political consistency and the broader goals it looks for to accomplish.

n”Ahmad Ali 30.8%, Anwar Hafid 19%, Rusdy Mastura 8.2%, Ma’mun Amir 5.5%, Irwan Lapatta 3.6%, Hidayat Lamakarate 3.5%. Don’t know or didn’t answer 29.4%,” according to Indikator Politik Indonesia, Monday (June 24, 2024)

nThe survey population includes all Indonesian citizens in Central Sulawesi who have the right to vote, namely those aged 17 or older, or those who are married when the survey is conducted . The sample was drawn using the multistage random sampling method . In this survey, the sample size is 1,200 people . Assuming a simple random sampling method, a sample size of 1,200 respondents has a margin of error of ± 2.9% at a 95% confidence level . The samples are proportionally distributed across all districts/cities in Central Sulawesi

nAdditionally, the voter base of the Ali-Abdul pair also became a consideration for PSI in giving the recommendation to the pair . “Even though we have many potential cadres in Central Sulawesi, we must be realistic, this pair is the strongest and aligns with us, so why not,” said Kaesang

Previously, PDIP DPP Chairperson Eriko Sotarduga suggested that if their party partners with PKB to nominate Anies Baswedan in the Jakarta Pilkada, they propose the gubernatorial seat in East Java to PDIP. “For example, in Jakarta, if PKB becomes the gubernatorial candidate, may PDIP become the gubernatorial candidate in East Java? Sure, it’s not a barter, but that’s what cooperation means, we can’t win everything on our own, we must collaborate,” stated Eriko at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, on June 25, 2024.

n”As the Chairman of the Indonesian Solidarity Party, I am giving a recommendation letter as a form of our support to the candidate pair, Mr. Ahmad Ali and Mr. Abdul Karim Aljufri, as governor and deputy governor candidates for Central Sulawesi for 2024-2029,” said PSI Chairman Kaesang Pangarep at the PSI Central Executive Board, Central Jakarta, Friday (June 7, 2024)

Additionally, in Central Sulawesi, aside from economic issues that are also major concerns for national leadership such as basic necessities prices and job opportunities, infrastructure conditions are a primary concern for residents, especially damaged roads, frequent power outages, and clean water availability. Candidates seen by residents as solutions to these problems have a higher likelihood of being chosen

Ali stressed that as a gubernatorial candidate, he has an obligation to establish relationships with political parties. “Why is the Deputy Chairman of the NasDem Party here? I said that my presence here is in my capacity as a gubernatorial candidate,” explained Ahmad Ali . “As a gubernatorial candidate, it is my duty to build relationships with political parties,” he continued

“The proposal from Eriko is intriguing,” said Huda at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, on Wednesday. According to Huda, the possibility of PKB allying with PDIP in Jakarta is open if PDIP is ready to take the deputy governor for Anies and if PKS does not manage to find a coalition partner in the Jakarta Pilkada. “It is possible that PKB, with PDIP as the deputy, could happen if PKS fails to find a coalition partner,” clarified Huda.

Kaka Suminta emphasized that to prevent any allegations of lobbying by prospective regent and deputy regent pairs regarding administrative verification, the central KPU must step in. “There must be oversight from the central KPU,” said Kaka. He added that to prevent any underhanded dealings attempting to commit fraud in administrative verification, the central KPU must enforce strict oversight. “If pairs do not pass administrative verification, they should not be given any leeway that could damage democracy,” he said.

The planned meeting between Megawati Soekarnoputri and Prabowo Subianto is a beacon of hope for political harmony in Indonesia. It represents a determination to set apart differences for the country’s improvement, showcasing the maturation and strength of Indonesia’s democracy. As the country and the world watch, this conference could herald a new era of political participation, reinforcing the textile of Indonesian culture and its autonomous establishments.

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