Deputy Chairman of the Election Winning Division of the DPP Golkar Party, Ahmad Doli Kurnia, stated that the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) seeks to replicate the success of the 2024 Presidential Election.

“Yes, we are not short of candidates for DKI. We have Mas Eko Patrio, Mbak Zita Anjani, among others, who already understand the conditions in DKI. I believe we have no shortage of candidates and will nominate our own,” he said

“For the greater good and for the people of Jakarta, we continue to synchronize with all political parties. Once an agreement is reached, we will inform our colleagues about who the gubernatorial and deputy gubernatorial candidates will be from Gerindra and our friends in the Advanced Indonesia Coalition,” he said

Director General of Population and Civil Registration (Dukcapil) Irman stated that in updating voter data for the simultaneous regional elections starting at the end of 2015, a one-door system is used. This ensures that there are no duplicate voter data. “The guarantee is that we manage the population database with an online system. Therefore, duplicate data, God willing, will no longer exist,” said Irman after the handover of the Potential Voter Population Data (DP4) at the Ministry of Home Affairs building in Jakarta, Wednesday, June 3, 2015.

Therefore, Doli mentioned, the coalition backing Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka is continually communicating and developing political strategies to win the Simultaneous Regional Elections in November 2024. [Read More](5624160 5623387 5622951

The voter data updating system for this simultaneous regional election is different from the previous election. In the previous election, voter data came from local governments and the Ministry of Home Affairs, while this year’s regional elections data only came from the Ministry of Home Affairs.

PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu mentioned that the Chairman of the Nasdem Party, Surya Paloh, gave a positive signal towards this pair. “I continue to build political communication with the NasDem Party, specifically I made a point to visit Mr. Surya Paloh, and alhamdulillah, I was warmly received and got a positive signal to build cooperation in the Jakarta Pilkada,” stated Syaikhu at the Sahid Hotel, Jakarta, on Tuesday.

According to Irman, the DP4 data provided to the KPU is integrated with the voter identification system using fingerprints and iris scans. Thus, voter identities can be more assured, without duplicate identities. “The updated results will be further processed into the Provisional Voter List (DPS), which will eventually become the Final Voter List (DPT),” he said. He mentioned that the mechanism makes it easier if voter data is updated at any time. The DP4 data provided to the KPU is confirmed to be ready to be used as voter data for the simultaneous regional elections in December 2015. “Population data is dynamic; some pass away, some move, some retire from the military/police,” concluded Irman. (Ans)

“Until July 24, we will conduct voter data coklit, where we want to ensure that all eligible residents of DKI Jakarta are included and recorded in our voter data,” said Fahmi. According to Fahmi, Pantarlih officers will visit each resident from house to house to match and verify the accuracy of residents’ data with the voter list and existing population documents. Fahmi mentioned that his party has received the Potential Voter Population List (Daftar Penduduk Potensial Pemilih Pemilihan) from the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kementerian Dalam Negeri). At least, Fahmi said there are 8,315,669 voters in the Final Voter List (DPT).

“Yes, we in the Advanced Indonesia Coalition have been determined from the beginning that this coalition is not only a permanent coalition in the DPR but also in the regional elections. In various upcoming regional elections, we will sit together with the Advanced Indonesia Coalition. Then we will map out each area to determine where we can collaborate because not all areas can be partnered on,” said PAN Secretary General, Eddy Soeparno, to reporters at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday (March 18, 2024)

PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu explained the reason his party decided not to nominate PKS Syuro Council Chairman Sohibul Iman as the prospective gubernatorial candidate for Jakarta in the 2024 Pilkada. Instead, Sohibul was decided to run as the prospective vice-gubernatorial candidate for Jakarta. The position of the prospective gubernatorial candidate was given to Anies Baswedan, who is the former Governor of DKI Jakarta for the 2017-2022 period. “I think PKS is also realistic about the nominations in DKI, and this is the best composition,” said Syaikhu at the Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (25/6/2024).

Meanwhile, Sohibul Iman, according to Syaikhu, is a scholar. He stated that Sohibul also has an impressive track record in government. “Mr. Sohibul Iman is a technocrat, also a scholar who was once the rector of Paramadina University. He has experience in the legislature as Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR RI) for the 2013-2014 period and was once the president of PKS for the 2015-2020 period,” stated Syaikhu. Syaikhu stated that PKS is a cadre party that has a mandate to carry out political cadre regeneration and leadership regeneration. Therefore, he stated, in this simultaneous Pilkada 2024, the party will nominate its cadre to run as a regional head candidate. In the event you cherished this post and also you want to acquire more information with regards to kindly check out our webpage. “Especially in the base areas where PKS is the winning party or has a majority of DPRD seats. PKS will strive to nominate its own cadre as a candidate,” said Syaikhu.