As you can see these alcohol statistics paint a very bleak picture. Chances are if you are reading this then you are concerned with the amount of alcohol you or someone else is consuming. Here are 3 ways to help reverse the damage done by consuming alcohol.

drug abuse facts 88. Spousal and Domestic elder abuse rates are not their highest on Super Bowl Sunday than any other single day of the year. Not all men are into football, as a matter of fact men usually are not with their female partners on that day.

iStock Imagesubstance abuse faces Contrary to what some may think, many seniors don’t typically want to live in the home of a relative; for as long as possible, they want to live on their own. In fact, research shows that only about 1 in 1000 would prefer to live with their kids. This population is not helpless by any means. The facts indicate that Americans over the age of fifty own 75 percent of all American assets and spend half the money. Close to 70 percent of them still own their homes. They vote and are often more active in the community than are those who are younger. Many even exercise regularly and work out at gyms.

If your kids already drink, you’d be wise to get them into an alcohol rehab center so they can quit drinking before they get to college. Or, if they’re already in college and drinking, consider taking them out for a while so they can get straightened out. Also, if you want to avoid having to get help for your kid through an alcohol rehab center, check out the top party school lists so you know what they are and see if you can arrange for your kid to go to a college that’s known for excellent academics, not excellent parties.

Baldness can be caused by disease. There are diseases such as the ones caused by pathogens such as bacteria and fungi. These pathogens can attack the skin on the scalp such that they cause some scars and abscesses which will cause hair loss and hair patches. This kind of baldness can be cured by using drugs such as Ketoconazole. This drug is very effective at eliminating pathogens and the toxins they secrete thus reducing hair loss and baldness. Other pathogens can enter the body such that they secrete toxins in the blood when these toxins come into contact with hair follicles they cause them to shrink resulting in increased hair loss and baldness. Antibiotics can be used to treat these diseases and stop loss of hair.

Stay connected to friends and family. Loneliness is a major stressor that can heighten every problem and symptom. Find emotional support. Talk about your sorrow with people who will listen. Seek comfort and counsel from people with a healthy lifestyle and a resilient, optimistic outlook about life and love.

alcohol abuse facts Bad news for those suffering with Alzeihmer’s disease though. In a latest research, Scientists found out that too much oxygen can speed up the process (brain deterioration) when they subjected mice suffering from this disease.

Information on risk management is readily available in cyberspace and in the marketplace. The question is how can we apply what we know in order to make a difference?