Election Audit: Back To Basics

False claims and internal feuds plague GOP election audit ...

It explains the watermarks and is titled “DHS Announces Election Audit Sting After Contentious US Election Sparks Confusions and Outrage From Election Skeptics.” Some state this the Army planned this, while others claim that it was the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Multiple mainstream media stories detailed the massive printing contracts and security measures for ballot production. There is no common term in the media or news publishing world known as a “content accumulation service.” A Google search for the term brings up only six results, two are copies of this TreeofLiberty article. The foundation introduces and explains the workings of the fictitious “AP OneWire content accumulation service.” The second part is an image of the fictional private press release from the purportedly verified account of the Department of Homeland Security. The county’s lawyer says the security of all operations for the fourth-largest county in the country would be at risk if the routers were turned over. The discovery of more uncounted ballots in Fayette County led Martin to suggest that insufficient observation of the counting process in parts of the state was a possible explanation for the mistakes currently being exposed.

“The only reason that there is any confusion is because confusion has been stoked by members of this committee and by members who are not on this committee,” said Malcolm Kenyatta, a Democratic representative from Philadelphia County. But as Joe Biden builds his lead in Pennsylvania, QAnon followers are faced with their greatest challenge yet. The fake press release says that when ballots in highly contested states were inspected, there was a very high proportion of non-watermarked ballots and that the fraudulent ballots without the watermark overwhelmingly supported Joe Biden. The storyline of the false press release is that the Department of Homeland Security conducted its own sting operation without the knowledge of either President Trump or Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. NCSL on Election Security: State Policies – The National Conference on State Legislatures explores elections processes and procedures pertaining to election security, and identifies options that are in place in some states that legislators around the nation can consider to further improve elections security. The audit was triggered because of what happened to Democratic state House candidate Kristi St. Laurent. In caucuses, party members meet, discuss, and vote for who they think would be the best party candidate.

Beijing-and, Election Audit especially, the policies of soon-to-retire (formally if not fully) President and Party General Secretary Hu Jintao-also won in Taiwan’s elections. The Leadership Conference’s founders came together in 1950 out of the belief that the fight for civil rights could not be won by one group alone, but needed to be waged in coalition. An occasional jam affected machines last week with one instance stalling 11 ballots from dropping into the proper spot, getting caught up instead in the chute. Looks like the feds have been flying one over the stadium where citizens are volunteering to count ballots to make sure that a federal Election Audit with unprecedented irregularities was not in fact stolen. “There’s more to an election than mere votin’, my boy, for as an eminent American once said: ‘I care not who casts the votes of a nation if they’ll let me make the count. Let them know how you feel and send a strong message in the comments section below. In a stunning turm of events, the Department of Homeland Security has announced that there was a Federal Government sting planned and executed for this election. The origins of the watermark claim center on a viral Facebook post that asserted the Department of Homeland Security had planted secret “blockchain” watermarks on legitimate ballots.

Nevertheless, if this is true, it means that Owen Shroyer, InfoWars and Steve Pieczenik just broke what is arguably the biggest news story in at least a century, dwarfing the significance of anything from the Washington Post and the Nixon administration. • This story is based in part on wire reports. Reports are going around that the U.S. The four high-speed tabulators – known as “high pros” – are in the tabulating area of the county’s elections headquarters, still in the packaging used by shippers, Gilbertson said. The article and fake press release does not explain how the secret ballots were coordinated state-by-state and introduced into the piles of carefully controlled ballots printed by commercial printers for each jurisdiction conducting elections. ” have been sent to 12 states right now, to assist in securing the legitimate ballots and throwing out the fake ballots printed up by Democrats as part of their fraud operation.