Texas Almanac, 2021-2021 – Page 347 – The Portal To Texas History


Nintendo has already said that the Wii U will once again feature “friend codes” for online play, with a centralized focus on social networking in non-gaming online play. The one thing the new network doesn’t seem to do, however, is rectify its predecessor’s many online gaming difficulties, including a clunky user-interface that requires “friend codes” in order to play over an Internet connection. The “Call of Duty,” “Grand Theft Auto” and EA Sports series have made billions upon billions of dollars over the last five years, and these gargantuan series – in a “proper” iteration – have been MIA on the Wii. So far, the third -party titles announced for the Wii U have been rather lacking , consisting mostly of ports and very unpolished I.P.s, such as the underwhelming “ZombiU” from Ubisoft. Look, I love Mario and Link and Samus as much as the next guy, but those franchises really haven’t done all that much evolving since the days of the Nintendo 64. “Super Mario Galaxy 2” and “Skyward Sword” may have been terrific games, but they really weren’t groundbreaking games in the least – and most definitely, they weren’t titles that pushed the technological boundaries of what gaming could be.

Since the days of the Nintendo Entertainment System, Nintendo has relied a tremendous deal on consistent third-party support, with companies like Square-Enix and Rare Studios providing the “Big N” with stellar, console-exclusive material for the Super NES and Nintendo 64. Since the release of the GameCube, however, the company has seemed to be drifting away from this model, instead focusing on first-party titles and outsourcing franchising rights to other developers. The single biggest complaint lobbed against the Wii was its overabundance of “casual games” – in other words, titles catering to mostly “non-gamer” audiences and small children. Titles like “Wii Fit U” are expected to capitalize on largely non-gaming audiences, but are consumers willing to shell out hundreds of dollars for mildly re-tuned experiences of the like? While Nintendo executives have “guaranteed” a greater emphasis on so-called “hardcore” games with the upcoming console, the company has announced very little to back up their claims, as a majority of the third party titles shown off for the upcoming system at E3 this year where either non-exclusive, multi-platform games, or “original” IPs that hardly looked like killer apps in any regard. Nintendo’s far-reaching online network – debuted at E3 earlier this year – is more or less a visualized Facebook application, which allows gamers to hop in and out of centralized experiences, such as chatting and playing mini-games.

Taking this complaint to heart, Nintendo executives promised that the Wii U would have a greater emphasis on more traditional, “hardcore” gaming experiences, but when the console was demonstrated at E3 this year… Yes, eight year old kids and their shovel ware-purchasing mothers may appear to be a more lucrative demographic, but it’s the traditional gamers that are the greatest “bulk” consumers of video games. More multiplayer games are a given, but first things first: if the Wii U doesn’t have an online network at least twice as consistent as what the 3DS currently has, they are really shooting themselves in the foot from the get-go. With the Wii U, Nintendo seems to be eschewing this idea for rehashes and re-releases that just simply integrate new hardware controls instead of giving gamers more intricate and complex experiences. Yeah, it was only more profitable than most European GDPs for the Kyoto-based company. Nintendo’s attempt to lure in a “casual” gaming market (such as those that play Farmville) may end up backfiring on the company.

Some people who exactly abide by this type of unsystematic thoughts frequently fail terribly seeing as many of these notions can end up the wrong type of and perhaps genuinely predicated round the issue round the tie in with. In fact, C Lo has cooperated with Nike till 2010. Yet for Nike, this is not the end. Seeing as how they have more disposable income than most other demographics, it would be very, very unwise to ignore their wants out of the Wii U – in fact, the system’s very survival may hinge on the support of the traditional gaming demographics. It’s extremely unlikely that Nintendo will gain the support of third party publishers and developers that ignored the Wii with its latest console – in fact, at this point, it’s looking quite likely that the company will actually lose third party support in the next generation of console gaming. Wii U’s expected launch titles – and this time, Nintendo may not have the same “casual market” appeal that it had with its last console release. Maybe the Wii U isn’t powerful enough to host the next GTA or the next Final Fantasy, but that doesn’t mean Nintendo can’t get Rock Star or Square-Enix to get their B-houses working on miniature, Wii-U exclusive titles.

The Wii was so gosh darn popular that seeing the things on store shelves was aberrational, and the DS? It really goes without saying here, but it’s oh-so important: the Wii U needs awesome, third-party games, and it needs them very, very badly. While there’s very much a chance that some terrific games land on the Wii U, it’s much, much likelier that the system will be glutted with crappy, casual games, spat out by companies that know people will buy what’s formulaic and widely available. While Sony and Microsoft have given gamers robust and reliable online gaming networks, Nintendo has struggled to provide Wii and 3DS owners with a halfway manageable online-play system, and the results have fluctuated from just merely passable to downright pathetic. It’s pretty much a given that Nintendo has the worst online integration components of the big three. Obviously, it’s not just Nintendo that’s trying to merge all of the electronic mediums together, but in the case of the Wii U – a system that’s already underpowered – pursuing “the Swiss army knife” approach could be a downright fatal move.

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