Top 10 Marketing Pitfalls

In 2003, Dr. Phil entered the weight loss business – launching a variety of shakes, energy bars, and diet supplements to aid weight loss. However, this venture met with a lot of criticism and the company was also sued by several customers.

drug use in Amarillo TX Tip: You can automatically keep your advertising up to date by allocating 80 percent of your budget to proven promotions and 20 percent to testing new things. When something new works better than your proven promotions, move it to the 80 percent group and start testing something else in the 20 percent category.

Once you have admitted that an addiction exists, you should think about the importance of professional help. If your addictions have put you into a life threatening condition, you should seek out a drug addiction treatment center or rehabilitation clinic. There are several options – a ‘live-in’ program for long term rehab or an outpatient program. Both approaches have their benefits and their drawbacks. You should think about asking for a doctor’s opinion.

If anything, we have far too much willpower. We endure all manner of crazy situations, but even if it is the last thing we do, we insist that we will beat this by ourselves. For some, that actually does end up being the last thing we do.

Amarillo Texas Keep in mind that your son or daughter is in a very dangerous position. Deaths from drug overdoses or deadly combinations of drugs is all too common. Simple experimentation can be deadly. This means that it is imperative that you act as soon as possible to help the user come the realization that rapid help is essential.

This goes without saying, but one of the best ways to avoid succumbing to an alcohol addiction is to steer clear from people or places that encourage your former habit. Staying away from bars or nightclubs, places where alcohol is prevalent, is helpful. Keeping the drinks out of your hand can help to keep them out of your body. Avoid large social gathering where binge drinking is the norm. You may feel alienated, but avoiding alcohol is a must to maintain sobriety immediately after receiving treatment for the addiction. Go see a movie, visit the zoo, explore a museum. Frequent places that do not serve alcohol. There are plenty of enjoyable places that don’t provide alcohol to patrons.

Doctor Phil makes a pretty penny, over $45,000,000 per year, and ranked #22 on Forbes Top 100 Celebrities of 2006. His super successful talkshow makes up the brunt of this income – it draws a huge 6.7 million viewers.