The Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) RI announced that it has begun the selection and evaluation process in preparation for the 2024 simultaneous regional elections (Pilkada).

PKS President A. Syaikhu explained the reasons for supporting Baswedan and Iman for the Jakarta election in 2024. Anies Baswedan is viewed as a proven leader during his time leading Jakarta. According to Syaikhu, Baswedan’s achievements has pleased the people of Jakarta. “Mr. Anies Rasyid Baswedan successfully served as Jakarta’s governor from 2017-2022 with various milestones in multiple sectors of progress, advancing the city and bringing happiness to its residents,” said Syaikhu at the commencement of the Party Leadership School at the Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel, Central Jakarta, on Tuesday (25/6/2024). Meanwhile, Sohibul Iman, Syaikhu stated, is a academic with a solid background in government. “Mr. Sohibul Iman is a technocrat and a scholar who has served as the head of Paramadina University. He has experience in the legislature as Deputy Speaker of the DPR RI for the 2013-2014 term and was also the president of PKS from 2015-2020,” stated Syaikhu.

The commencement of the Dompu Pilkada was officially started at the Kickoff Event of the 2024 Dompu Regent and Deputy Regent Election, organized by the Dompu KPUD, on Saturday (25/5/2024) at the City Park, Regent’s Pavilion, after the Isya prayer.

Participatory supervision itself, Warits said, is the activity of ensuring the process of Pilkada stages by collecting data, information, and inventorying findings related to the implementation of the Pilkada by independent and non-partisan community groups or organizations. “Participatory supervision aims to ensure the conduct of honest, fair, clean, and transparent elections whose results can be accepted by all parties, both Pilkada participants and the wider community,” explained Warits.

He stated that transparency is a key principle in election administration. Therefore, KPU must design to actualize this principle . “Previously, Sirekap was designed to publish photos of the C Result form. Hence, we are obliged to publicize the voting results from the polling station level,” he explained.

The ceremonial Pilkada launch was graced by the presence of Forkopimda members, political party leaders, election organizers and supervisors, as well as religious and community leaders. Head of Dompu KPUD Arif Rahman, in his speech, said that this year’s Dompu Pilkada is based on the spirit of local wisdom, namely Manggini, If you cherished this article and also you would like to get more info with regards to kandidat pilkada Banyuwangi 2024 please visit our webpage. Manggari, Mataroa. Arif explained that the spirit of Manggini has a philosophical meaning, a quality Pilkada process prioritizing integrity. Then, Manggari means that the community faces the Pilkada with joy. And the philosophical meaning of Mataroa is that the result of the Pilkada ensures the sovereignty of the people.

Heru conveyed that Jakarta, at almost five centuries old, will take on a new role, relinquishing its status as the nation’s capital . He noted that Law Number 2 of 2024 regarding the Special Region of Jakarta has been enacted. “This year marks the last anniversary of Jakarta as the nation’s capital,” said Heru .

“Our evaluation and selection are currently being formulated and will be completed soon. We will inform the Panwas (Supervisory Committee) in the regions and Bawaslu at the regency/city level to conduct the evaluation process for the Panwas at the sub-district level,” said Bawaslu RI Chairman Rahmat Bagja at the Bawaslu RI Building in Jakarta on Tuesday (16/4/2024), as reported by Antara.

Syaikhu highlighted that PKS is a member-driven party with a mandate to foster and regenerate political leadership. Therefore, he said, in the 2024 local elections, his party will endorse party members to compete as regional head candidates. “Especially in base areas where PKS is the winning party or holds the majority of DPRD seats. PKS will endeavor to promote its own cadres as candidates,” said Syaikhu.

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Previously, NTB KPU Chairman Muhammad Khuwailid invited the Dompu community to come together to the polling stations to vote in the election of the Regent/Deputy Regent and the Governor/Deputy Governor. He stated that each stage and process of the Pilkada cannot be carried out independently. Collaboration of all elements is the key to the success of the Pilkada implementation.

The KPU has also determined the salaries or honorariums for PPK and PPS based on General Election Commission Decision Number 472 of 2022 on Other Input Cost Units (SBML) in the General Election Commission, Provincial General Election Commission, and Regency/City General Election Commission in the context of the 2024 Election stages .

He urged KPU not to hastily announce that Sirekap will be reused for the 2024 Regional Elections. “Let’s discuss Sirekap later, it’s a different PKPU. I am not yet clear about Sirekap, so let’s not say it will be used now,” said Doli .

Based on General Election Commission Regulation Number 8 of 2022 on the Formation and Working Procedures of Adhoc Election Organizers for the Election of Governors and Deputy Governors, Regents and Deputy Regents, and Mayors and Deputy Mayors, PPS is a committee formed by the Regency/City KPU to conduct elections at the village/sub-district level or other names.