The Prosperous Justice Party changed its course by endorsing Mr. Baswedan as the candidate for governor in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada while its own cadre, Sohibul Iman, is only nominated as the deputy governor candidate.

The outcomes indicate that three figures are competing in the 2024 Jember election: Faida, the former Regent of Jember (2016-2021), Muhammad Fawait from the East Java DPRD, and Hendy Siswanto, who is the sitting regent. “The data indicate that Hendy and Faida are very well-known by the people of Jember, with recognition levels above 80 percent. Faida is known by 82.7 percent of the people, Hendy Siswanto has 78.7 percent recognition, and Muhammad Fawait has a 65.7 percent awareness rate. Other candidates, such as Jaddin Wajads, Education Head Achmad Sudiyono, and Hadi Supaat of PDI Perjuangan, have awareness rates below 40 percent,” said A. Irawan in a written statement on Saturday (15/6/2024).

Agusta stated that the data found the acceptance levels of potential regent candidates for Jember. The acceptance level of Hendy is only 48.7 percent, below 50 percent, while Faida, the former regent has an acceptance level of 78.6 percent. Meanwhile, M. Fawait has an reception of 53 percent, and other figures such as Jaddin Wajads, Education Head Achmad Sudiyono, and Hadi Supaat all have acceptance levels below 50 percent. “From the JJI survey, the voter preference (Top of Mind) of Faida, the former regent as a regent candidate for Jember leads in the first place with 37.7 percent. In second place is Hendy with an electability of 20.7 percent, followed by M. Fawait with an popularity rating of 17.7 percent,” he stated. Other candidates, like Wajads, have 4.6 percent, and H. Supaat has 3.6 percent, with other figures below 2 percent.

Fighting hoaxes is essentially battling ignorance. This was our motivation for establishing the Cek Fakta Channel in 2018, which continues to provide media literacy to the public. Since July 2, 2018, Cek Fakta has been part of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) and has partnered with Facebook. We are also involved in the initiative. Our collaborations do not compromise our independence.

“As the winning party in Jakarta, PKS has decided to fight for its best cadre as the candidate for Governor of Jakarta. The candidate we are proposing is Mohamad Sohibul Iman, who currently serves as the Deputy Chair of the PKS Syuro Council,” said Mabruri in his statement on June 23, 2024. Mabruri continued that Sohibul Iman is a figure with adequate capacity. Sohibul Iman led PKS during the 2015-2020 period. “This means he has proven leadership in elevating PKS. He also has a long track record in the political arena,” clarified Mabruri.

According to Ma’ruf, this is to ensure that the public receives credible information and to curb the spread of false information or hoaxes related to the 2024 elections . [Read More](5627923 5627693 5627506)

Typically, the Pilkada is conducted in two phases, namely the regional implementation and the dispute route at the Constitutional Court (Mahkamah Konstitusi). “Typically, if the Pilkada is held twice, it means what? It means initially held locally, and then at the MK,” said Hadi while giving guidance in the Coordination Meeting of the 2024 simultaneous Pilkada organizers in Makassar, South Sulawesi, on Wednesday. “That’s why the TNI-Polri have to be vigilant about security during the actual Pilkada and during the MK sessions, ensuring the readiness of the TNI-Polri forces to secure the regions,” he added. Hadi expects the 2024 Pilkada stages will proceed without problems and safely without any obstacles in their conduct. Besides, post-Pilkada security should also be ensured. Hadi added that political and legal stability is crucial. He believes, the situation and condition of Polhukam stability will significantly influence the Pilkada stages. “We concur that all components of the nation and state need to maintain political, legal, and security stability for the 2024 Pilkada,” he ended. Preventing Conflict Before the 2024 Pilkada Hadi Tjahjanto provided a specific message to the TNI, Polri, and BIN for the safety of the 2024 concurrent Pilkada. Hadi urged that regions with potential conflicts should be addressed before security issues occur. He stated this while giving guidance in the Coordination Meeting of the 2024 Pilkada organizers in Makassar, South Sulawesi, on Wednesday. “Particularly TNI, Polri, and BIN. BIN was also present, in the mapping of regions, have to identify regions with potential conflicts to mitigate security issues before they occur,” said Hadi. “TNI, Polri, and BIN have to be alert, aware in advance, so that they can mitigate any possible issues,” he added. Furthermore, Hadi called for collaboration from local governments in supporting the 2024 Pilkada implementation. If local governments fail to support, the simultaneous Pilkada will certainly be disrupted. “Therefore, total synergy can guarantee the successful conduct of the 2024 simultaneous Pilkada,” he stated. Hadi urged local governments to take important measures, including avoiding overlaps between the central and local governments.

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