President Jokowi Ushers In 15 Roadway Sections in Central Sulawesi, Spending a Budget Plan of IDR 330 Billion

1. KPPS is responsible for announcing and posting the Voter List (DPT) at the polling station, ensuring that voter information is available and accessible to all eligible voters.

2. KPPS must provide the Voter List to election witnesses present at the polling station and to Field Election Supervisors, ensuring transparency and continuity of the voting process.

3. The core duty of KPPS is to conduct the voting and vote counting process at the polling station according to established procedures.

4. After completing the vote count, KPPS must announce the vote count results at the polling station transparently and accurately.

5. KPPS must promptly follow up on findings and reports submitted by witnesses, Field Election Supervisors, election participants, and the public on voting day, ensuring proper correction or handling of any detected violations or irregularities.

6. After the vote count, KPPS is responsible for safeguarding the integrity of the ballot box, ensuring that the voting results are not affected or manipulated after the counting process.

7. KPPS must create minutes of the voting and vote counting process and issue a certificate of the vote count results, which must be handed over to election witnesses, Field Election Supervisors, and the Sub-district Election Committee (PPK) through the Polling Committee (PPS).

If you cherished this article and you also would like to get more info regarding please visit our web site. 8. KPPS must submit the vote count results to the PPS and Field Election Supervisors, ensuring that vote data is delivered accurately and precisely.

9. On the same day as the voting, KPPS must deliver the sealed ballot box along with the ballot papers and vote count certificates to the PPK through the PPS, ensuring transparency and security of all election materials.

10. In addition to the above duties, KPPS must also carry out other tasks, authorities, and obligations assigned by the General Election Commission (KPU), Provincial KPU, Regency/City KPU, PPK, and PPS according to applicable regulations.

11. KPPS must comply with and perform other duties, authorities, and obligations as stipulated by the applicable laws and regulations, ensuring that the election process runs according to the established legal and ethical standards.

**Duties and Responsibilities of Pantarlih** Each Polling Station (TPS) has one Pantarlih. However, if the number of voters in one TPS exceeds 400 voters, the Regency/Municipal KPU and PPS can appoint two Pantarlih for that TPS. This is intended to ensure that the voter data update process runs efficiently and accurately. The primary duties of Pantarlih include: Assisting the Regency KPU, PPK, and PPS in compiling the voter list. Conducting voter data matching and research. Providing registered proof to voters. Submitting the results of the matching and research to the PPS. Performing other tasks assigned by the KPU, Provincial KPU, PPK, and PPS according to regulations. The responsibilities of Pantarlih include: Coordinating with PPS in compiling the voter list from the update results. Compiling and submitting reports to PPS on the implementation of the matching and research. Being accountable to PPS in performing their duties. Technically, according to KPU Decision Number 27 of 2023 on Technical Guidelines for Voter List Compilation, Pantarlih also has duties such as attending technical guidance, preparing work plans, coordinating with PPS and RT/RW, conducting coklit, making daily reports, determining potential TPS addresses, compiling coklit results reports, handing over all work tools to PPS, and assisting PPS in compiling the voter list. In carrying out all their duties and responsibilities, Pantarlih must be accountable to PPS to ensure that the voter data update process runs smoothly and according to established procedures.

nHe is open to discussions and proposals regarding the candidates for governor and deputy governor to be nominated for the 2024 Jakarta Regional Election . Currently, PAN is backing former West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil for the 2024 Jakarta Regional Election. “Yes, it’s just a discourse and a proposal,” said Zulkifli Hasan

At this gathering, he introduced the candidate for governor for Lampung, decided by the Gerindra Party Chairman, Prabowo Subianto, namely Djausal Rahmat Mirzani, to stand in the upcoming regional election. At present, Djausal Mirzani Rahmat is as the Lampung DPD Gerindra Chairman. “In Lampung, Mr. Prabowo has determined that the candidate considered fit to be the governor of Lampung is Mr. Rahmat Mirzani Djausal. The selection of Djausal as the gubernatorial candidate by Prabowo is based on the views, recommendations, and opinions he has heard from various village leaders, specialists, and clerics in Lampung,” Muzani said in his statement. He hopes that the introduction of Mirza as a governor candidate might be the beginning for Lampung to attain better blessings. Muzani requested all Lampung Gerindra officials to unite to ensure Rahmat as the Lampung governor in the upcoming regional election. However, he said, this introduction is not merely for gaining power. As per the instruction of the elected president, Prabowo Subianto, power must be employed to defend the welfare of the people. “The critical aspect is that power must be used as a instrument to champion truth and justice and the entitlements of the people. Truth is a principle we have consented to in our statehood,” he said. “Hence, as stated by Prabowo, power must be employed to defend the needy, maintain truth, attain justice, achieve prosperity, and foster a sense of safety for all Indonesian people,” said the Deputy Chairman of the MPR. Urged to Care for the People As per Muzani, providing security and ensuring food for all people is the responsibility of a state. Hence, Subianto has initiated a program of complimentary lunch and milk for all scholars in schools and pesantren. “Providing food to the people and providing a sense of security for the citizens is a fundamental right for all Indonesians and {humanity|humans|