Acting (Pj) Governor of DKI Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono, has invited residents to exercise their voting rights in the regional head elections or Simultaneous Regional Elections in November 2024 .

“Whether through the civil service, retired military and police, socio-cultural groups, professional groups such as doctors, cultural figures, engineers, agricultural experts, and all other professionals can join PDIP,” said Hasto.

According to Eko, the final decision regarding the names to be nominated as gubernatorial candidates will emerge at the last minute before the registration of regional head candidates in August . “Zita could pair with Kaesang, with Anies maybe, could also be with Sohibul Iman, so it’s still very fluid,” he said . According to him, the Jakarta PAN Regional Leadership Council (DPW PAN) has engaged with various parties to decide which candidate to support. He assured that the support would be for a candidate who is appropriate for the community, not just for the party. “Everyone is being communicated with, talking to each other, and we will see which one fits best,” he added.

PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto spoke out on the speculation about a duet between Anies Baswedan and Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, also known as Ahok, as governor and deputy governor candidates in the Jakarta Pilkada. Hasto stated that his party welcomes the nation’s best talents.

“One thing to watch out for in every democratic event amid the rapid digitalization and social media is the susceptibility to the spread of hoaxes and hate speech with ethnic, religious, racial, and inter-group (SARA) nuances, which have the potential to create polarization that can divide the unity of society,” said Edy in Palangka Raya, quoted from Antara, Friday (June 21, 2024). [Read More](5625096 5625037 5624160

Gerindra Party Daily Chairman Sufmi Dasco Ahmad refuted the claim that the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) is considering nominating Anies Baswedan with PSI Chairman Kaesang Pangarep for the Jakarta Regional Election. Dasco stressed that there has never been a discussion about the Anies-Kaesang pairing within the coalition. “That is not true, it has never been discussed,” said Dasco to reporters at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday (June 20, 2024) .

For your information, news of Kaesang running in the 2024 Jakarta Regional Election is not new . Previously, Kaesang’s name was widely paired with Gerindra cadre Budi Djiwandono. However, that news faded and was no longer heard . Recently, Kaesang was rumored to be paired with Anies Baswedan by the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM). However, this was denied by Gerindra .

nHeru conveyed that Jakarta, at almost five centuries old, will take on a new role, relinquishing its status as the nation’s capital . He pointed out that Law Number 2 of 2024 concerning the Special Region of Jakarta has been ratified . “This year is the final celebration of Jakarta as the capital city of the country,” said Heru

Previously, Jakarta PAN Regional Chairman Eko Hendro Purnomo, also known as Eko Patrio, said that his party would prioritize supporting the gubernatorial candidate backed by the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) in the 2024 Jakarta Regional Election . He noted that Jakarta residents have several candidate options, such as Sohibul Iman, Ridwan Kamil, and Anies Baswedan. Thus, he is awaiting guidance from KIM on which candidate to support.

Nevertheless, Doli allowed KPU to prepare the Sirekap design for If you cherished this posting and you would like to obtain more info regarding Criminal identification software kindly visit our own web site. the 2024 Regional Elections. But whether it will be used or not, Commission II will provide its views . Given the commotion caused during the 2024 General Elections due to Sirekap

“We are still very flexible, but maybe we will prioritize more towards KIM, more towards the Advanced Indonesia Coalition,” said Eko at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Tuesday . However, he stated that PAN has already decided to put forward Zita Anjani as the candidate for deputy governor. He mentioned that the female politician is projected by PAN to be paired with anyone . “It would be even better, Zita Anjani with Kaesang, Kaesang as the governor, Zita as the deputy governor, both young, complementing each other, so it seems interesting to me,” said the politician who is also a member of the DPR RI .

PSI Chairman Kaesang Pangarep said that there has been no special communication with former Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan regarding the 2024 Jakarta Regional Election . However, he emphasized that he and Anies are different . “There has been no communication so far, but just for your information, friends, and I think you know, Mr. Anies and I are different,” said Kaesang after Friday prayers on Jalan Kramat, Central Jakarta, Friday (June 21, 2024).

nPreviously, KPU RI member Idham Holik stated that Sirekap usage in the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections aims for public transparency . “We will implement Sirekap, taking into account the legal considerations from the Constitutional Court’s recent decision, as our reference for evaluating and improving Sirekap for the November 27, 2024, elections,” said Idham to the media at the KPU RI office, Jakarta, Tuesday, April 23, 2024