A current civil servant named Agus I. intends to contest in the Boyolali local election in November.

Agus I. is the younger brother of Yunanto Devid Agus, the former Personal Assistant (Aspri) to President Joko Widodo, also known as President Jokowi. Agus I. is said to be aiming to become a candidate for Boyolali Regent through the Gerindra Party in the 2024 Pilkada. “Yes, it’s true, he wants to run in the Boyolali local election from the Gerindra Party,” said Rahmad Junaidi, Secretary of Gerindra Boyolali DPC, as stated in a press release on June 10, 2024. He mentioned, Agus I. is currently still employed as a civil servant (PNS) in the City Government of Solo, Java Central. Additionally, Irawan is also acknowledged as an entrepreneur in the furniture business. “Yes, an ASN at Dispora of Solo,” he said. Rahmad mentioned that his organization would endorse Agus I. as a candidate in the Boyolali regional election. He indicated that Agus I. had expressed his readiness to leave his position as required by Law Number 20 of 2023 concerning the Civil State Apparatus. In Law Number 20 of 2023 concerning State Apparatus, Article 56 and Article 59 Paragraph (3) explain that high-ranking madya officials and senior pratama officials who intend to run for governor and deputy governor, regent and deputy regent, mayor and deputy mayor must formally resign from their positions when they become candidates. “It should be like that (resign from PNS) and he is ready (to resign). After the nomination, the resignation process will follow, at the end of July or early August 2024, according to the planned schedule,” clarified R. Junaidi. Devid Became Jokowi’s Assistant Since Becoming Mayor of Solo Previously, a 14-second video surfaced showing Agus I. standing straight and giving a salute. The video included the text #AGUSIRAWAN #MAJUBOYOLALI #GERAKANPEDULIBOYOLALI at the lower part. Besides Agus I., the Gerindra Boyolali DPC has received two other applicants. They are Jumariyanto, an {entrepreneur from Wonogiri Regency|businessman from Wonogiri|entrepreneur based in

“The PKS Central Executive Board (DPP) in a meeting on Thursday decided to nominate Mr. Anies Rasyid Baswedan as the prospective governor candidate and Mr. Sohibul Iman as the prospective deputy governor candidate,” said Syaikhu. He clarified that the PKS Central Executive Board’s (DPP) decision to nominate Anies and Sohibul Iman in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada was based on suggestions from the PKS Jakarta Regional Executive Board (DPW). “I have received a letter from the Jakarta DPW structure that has proposed the Jakarta governor candidate to the DPP PKS, followed by the Jakarta deputy governor candidate to the DPP PKS. Among them is a letter requesting approval and determination of Mr. Anies Rasyid Baswedan and Mr. Mohammad Sohibul Iman as the governor and deputy governor candidates of Jakarta,” said Syaikhu.

nPreviously, PPP politician Sandiaga Uno stated that Anies Baswedan has a strong chance in the 2024 Jakarta Regional Election . Sandiaga believes that the continuity of development in Jakarta is necessary and will benefit Anies’ position

In the survey, Ali obtained 33.5% in a simulation with only four candidates for the 2024 Central Sulawesi Pilkada. The four names simulated were Ahmad Ali with 33.5%, Anwar Hafid with 20.2%, Rusdy Mastura with 9.3%, and Mohamad Irawan Lapatta with approximately 3.9%. However, the electoral gap tends to remain constant among the top three names, with support bases relatively balanced.

“Ahmad Ali is the most liked because he has reached the most voters through various socialization activities, including outdoor attributes, media coverage, social media, and direct engagement with residents, both personally and through his volunteers,” said Executive Director of Indikator, Burhanuddin Muhtadi, in a statement received on Monday, June 24, 2024.

nThis was conveyed by Anies in response to the statement from PPP politician and Minister of Tourism and Here is more information about pencegahan hoaks pilkada Sulbar (www.liputan6.com) have a look at our website. Creative Economy (Menparekraf) RI, Sandiaga Uno, regarding the proposal to promote sustainability in Jakarta

PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu mentioned that the Chairman of the Nasdem Party, Surya Paloh, gave a positive signal towards this pair. “I continue to build political communication with the NasDem Party, specifically I made a point to visit Mr. Surya Paloh, and alhamdulillah, I was warmly received and got a positive signal to build cooperation in the Jakarta Pilkada,” said Syaikhu at the Sahid Hotel, Jakarta, on Tuesday.

the voter list 5. August 24—August 26, 2024: Notice of candidate pair registration 6. August 27—August 29, 2024: Registration of candidate pairs 7. August 27—September 21, 2024: Verification of candidate requirements 8. September 22, 2024: Establishment of candidate pairs 9. September 25—November 23, 2024: Campaign period 10. November 27, 2024: Voting day 11. November 27—December 16, 2024: Vote counting and tabulation of results

Syaikhu stated that PKS needs to build communication with other political parties (parpol) including NasDem to meet the requirements for nominating a governor and deputy governor in the Jakarta Pilkada. “PKS realizes it cannot nominate a candidate alone in the Pilkada because the number of seats we have does not yet meet the requirement to nominate independently, we only have 18 seats, while the requirement is 22. So we still need 4 more seats,” he stated. After NasDem, PKS will soon build communication with the Chairman of the National Awakening Party (PKB), Muhaimin Iskandar, or Cak Imin to build a coalition in the Jakarta Pilkada. “InsyAllah in the coming time I will also try to communicate with PKB, with Cak Imin,” he concluded.