Although I was not there, I am almost certain of what happened. Here are the facts. Dr. Gates had a long flight from China. I have made that flight numerous times and I know how tiring and even stressful it can be. He is frustrated and angered that he cannot get into his house. But there is a deeper anger deep within the psyche of Dr. Gates that is in all of us Blacks. There is a black rage that lingers from centuries of abuse and injustice. That anger is compounded by the frustration that Dr. West’s definition of Black is all too real to those of us who would like to think that we can transcend that trap. Surely it must have been devastating for that reality to hit an already tired and stressed Black Professor.

alcohol addiction and abuse abuse facts Information on risk management is readily available in cyberspace and in the marketplace. The question is how can we apply what we know in order to make a difference?

An example would be, “I’ve seen lots of my friends try one of those pyramids and they’ve never had any success so I’m not going to waste my time.” Buy someones beliefs and you buy their lifestyle.

If you are struggling with symptoms of grief over lost love, it is in your bests interests to fight stress, control anxiety and protect your health with two secret weapons.

drug abuse facts Many of these people in the shelter, didn’t look like the stereo-typical of the homeless…old, ragged clothes; beard; weathered faces! Many of them, looked like the neighbor next door; good appearance; good communications…they looked like they could put on a coat and tie and go work at the bank down the street. They seemed to be out of place, and that’s scary enough! Could more and more people be falling through the cracks, because of job losses, the nation-wide mortgage problem, and a greedy society?

substance abuse faces 42. Among causes of injury to women combined such as muggings, rape, Car Accidents, slips and falls, work related injuries, Battering would be the leader of the pack being the single largest cause of injury to women nationally.

The Heisman Award originally began by the Downtown Athletic Club of New York City in 1935. It was named after John W Heisman, who was a member of the club. The actual trophy is modeled after former New York University football player Ed Smith in 1934.

Today in the UK more males are dying from alcohol abuse than females. The rate at which men are dying is more than 2 times over the course from 9.1 per 100K in ’91 to 18.7 per 100K in ’08. The increase in women’s rates is not as rapid, going from 5.0 per 100K in ’91 to 8.7 in ’08, under half of the rates for men. During ’08, alcohol related deaths in men represented 2 thirds of the entire amount of alcohol related deaths. Just under 6000 men died and just over 3000 women due to alcohol.