Article: “More than a quarter of the respondents to the survey, said they had a job and 40% of those, said they worked 40 hours or more a week. The problem, LaBrecque said, is a lack of affordable housing. The disparity between real estate prices and the rise in wages often forces those at the lower end out of their homes, she said.

I had to work constantly on my self-esteem, and not let it fade or get away from me…as none of what happened to me was my fault! Millions of people lose their jobs…and I just happened to lose a few more. There was no finger-pointing on my part.

alcohol abuse facts 37. An abuser will assault a women in the stomach while she is pregnant as it manipulates the woman drastically as she does not want her baby hurt. This is what I call the 2 in 1, abusing 2 people with one stone.

substance abuse faces Teens have the lowest rate of seat belt use and the risk of crash increases with the number of teens in the car. Source: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.

There are four main causes of chronic disease, such as the lack of exercise, low nutrition, smoking, and alcohol abuse. Over one third of all adults do not get enough exercise. This is despite an increase in the number of new gym contracts. Although there is plenty of physical exercise taking place in elementary and high schools, item378393505 exercise activity decreases substantially after graduating from high school. Nutrition is probably the biggest challenge in the developing world, and surprisingly developed countries such as the United States. People are consuming more foods that are energy dense, high in sugar, saturated fats, and excessively salty.

drug abuse facts Many of these people in the shelter, didn’t look like the stereo-typical of the homeless…old, ragged clothes; beard; weathered faces! Many of them, looked like the neighbor next door; good appearance; good communications…they looked like they could put on a coat and tie and go work at the bank down the street. They seemed to be out of place, and that’s scary enough! Could more and more people be falling through the cracks, because of job losses, the nation-wide mortgage problem, and a greedy society?

The temptation of the drug-pusher is that, “Go ahead and try it. Once won’t hurt you.” That’s false. Even marijuana is bad for the body and mind. Marijuana’s smoke has more than 400 chemicals, and 60 of these have been proven to cause cancer. Moreover, when a person smokes pot, several things happen: 1) there is an almost immediate burn-up of vitamins and minerals in the body, and 2) the nerves in the body go numb. The FACT is that marijuana affects the nerves, the lungs, and the brain. Moreover, since drugs are stored in the fatty tissues of the body for a lifetime (lacking treatment), they stifle motivation, learning abilities, responsibility, and creativity.

Woods recently reminded reporters that Nick Price once admitted to using beta blockers but said they actually hurt his game rather than help but drugs have varying effects on people so who’s to say it won’t help the next guy? A few beers usually help calm me down but it certainly doesn’t seem to help my game any! It’s not farfetched to think that beta-blockers may help someone down the road.