Can one fast on the first day of Muharram alias the first of Suro, How about the legal verdict regarding this?

isleading humans.
In a book titled “Collection of Religious Questions and Answers” by Pustaka Ilmu Sunni Salafiyah-KTB, keeping a khodam in Islam is allowed as long as the practitioner obeys the Sharia discipline and does not cause dharar or actions that injure oneself and others. Although this is certainly very di

There are several dates in the month of Muharram that are recommended for practicing voluntary fasting with various virtues. So, is it acceptable to perform voluntary fasting on the 1st of Muhar

Dhuha prayer is a voluntary prayer done in the morning. It begins when the sun begins to rise about a spear’s length or In the event you cherished this article along with you would want to acquire details regarding perspektif islam malam suro generously stop by our own web-page. after sunrise (around 07.00) until before the time of Dzuhur prayer when the sun has n

y to See the Past
The next characteristic of someone having a khodam is the ability to see the past. The way to know if someone has a khodam or not can indeed be seen from one’s ability to see the past. It is explained that khodam is a being that has existed for a long time and cannot be destroyed, but can be passed down. Therefore, someone with a companion or ancestral khodam will certainly have th

n of Indonesians.
Khodam is also understood as a human partner, gained through passing down from ancestors or from personal development. A person who owns a khodam is believed to be able to converse with gen

llah’s greatness.
The story of Prophet Yunus AS instructs us about the importance of patience, firmness in faith, and sincere repentance. Prophet Yunus AS also stands as an example of how Allah SWT is always willing to welcome the repentance of His

lah’s permission.
Prophet Yunus AS got on a ship that was sailing. However, in the middle of the sea, the ship faced a severe storm. The crew were convinced that the storm was brought about by someone who had brought Allah’s wrath among them. They chose to throw that person into the sea to stop the storm, and it turned out that pe

Still citing NU Online, the virtue of Tasu’a fasting is as a complement to Ashura fasting which distinguishes between Muslims and Jews. This fast is also included in the main fasts and its virtue is classified as fasting in the nob

uhammad SAW said,
“Whoever prays Dhuha 2 units, they will not be included in the group of the forgetful/negligent. Whoever prays Dhuha 4 units, will be included in the group of those who repent (return to Allah). Whoever prays Dhuha 6 rakaat, their needs for that day will be met. Whoever prays Dhuha 8 units, is included in the group of obedient servants. And whoever prays Dhuha 12 units, Allah will build for them a house in paradise.” (Narrated by

mily or Ancestors
The next trait of someone having a khodam is seen from their respect for family. The meaning of companion or ancestral khodam greatly influences the owner’s attitude. Those with ancestral khodam will respect and appreciate the efforts that have bee

As mentioned earlier, la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minadzolimin is an excerpt from Surah Al-Anbiya verse 87. This surah tells the story of Prophet Yunus AS who was swallowed by a whale for 40 days and Allah SWT freed him out in a living state. This is evidence

Each Muslim must know the prayer recitations from beginning to end. Prayer is the pillar of religion that should not be left, especially the obligatory prayers. Obligatory prayers are

The definition of khodam refers to something supernatural apart from humans. Khodam is also known as a overall portrayal of the connection between humans and genies. Currently, khodam is still accepted by

Before performing Dhuha prayer, Muslims are encouraged to recite the intention prayer. The prayer intention is always pronounced before doing prayer, both voluntary and obligatory prayers. The following is the reading of the i

SWT’s greatness.
Before facing this dire situation, Prophet Yunus departed from his unyielding people. They persisted in turn away from him and ascribe partners to Allah SWT. This uncaring attitude was met with a direct admonition from Allah SWT, which is recorded in His word in Surah Al Anb

Ashura fast.
كَانَ يَوْمُ عَاشُورَاءَ يَوْمًا تُعَظِّمُهُ الْيَهُودُ وَتَتَّخِذُهُ عِيدًا فَقَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ صُو

in fasting month.
“The most virtuous prayer after the obligatory prayers is the prayer in the last third of the night, and the most excellent fast after the fast of Ramadan is fasting in the month of Muhar

s its own merits.
“It’s possible that the Prophet saw was only made aware about the excellence of Muharram exceeding Shaban in the later stages of his life, or perhaps the Prophet saw already knew about it but was unable to increase fasting in the month of Muharram due to different obstacles, such as illness, travel, and the lik

Invocation Reading for Islamic Prayer from Start to End, Full with Niyyah and Steps

. Ali-Imran: 102)
When someone ends in a good state, In case you have just about any concerns with regards to in which along with the way to use doa terjemahan hijriyah, you possibly can e-mail us in our web-page. they will be given taufiq to avoid all that is forbidden by Allah SWT. As in the hadith of the Prophet SAW from Anas bin Malik Radiyallahu Anhu, he

ram, three times.
The change of day and month in the Hijri calendar takes place at maghrib time, so this prayer should preferably be read before the approaching maghrib time. Here is the recitation of the end of year prayer th

hen supplicating.
Husnul khotimah denotes a good end. Husnul is taken from the word hasan which denotes good. Khotimah itself signifies an end. Therefore, husnul khotimah denotes a good end. Its meaning is a death that ends in a good condition, in other wo

Understanding the meaning of hasbunallah wanikmal wakil nikmal maula wanikman nasir in Arabic is crucial so that the recited dhikr can be fully appreciated. Trying to understand the meaning of this phrase is also a form of earnestness in performing dhikr as a means of connecting with Alla

الَّذِيْنَ اٰمَنُوْا وَتَطْمَىِٕنُّ قُلُوْبُهُمْ بِذِكْرِ اللّٰهِ ۗ اَلَا بِذِكْرِ اللّٰهِ تَطْمَىِٕنُّ الْقُلُوْ

Prophet Yunus’s prayer is one of the strongly encouraged supplications in Islam. The wisdom from this supplication has a positive effect on a Muslim’s life. Below are the insights from Prophet Yunus AS’s Supplic

Obedience to Allah. Prophet Yunus’s supplication becomes an example of obedience to Allah SWT. Even in challenging circumstances, Prophet Yunus remained obedient and willing to carry out the task Allah assigned him. This prayer teaches Muslims to always be obedient to Allah’s orders and execute them sinc

In that situation, Prophet Yunus begged for forgiveness and turned in repentance to Allah SWT. This invocation of Prophet Yunus is famous for the phrase “There is no god but You, Glory be to You. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers”. This prayer shows Prophet Yunus’s deep sense of regret and submission. Allah SWT then answered Prophet Yunus’s prayer and released him from the belly of the

As a form of worship, the dhikr hasbunallah wanikmal wakil nikmal maula wanikman nasir also has virtues that will provide benefits to those who perform it. Here are the virtues of the dhikr hasbunallah wanikmal wakil nikmal maula wanikman


Meaning: “In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. All praise is due to Allah, Lord of all worlds. The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Master of the Day of Judgment. You alone we worship, and You alone we ask for help. Guide us to the straight path. The path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked [Your] anger or

for all Muslims.
In performing prayers, there are procedures that need to be followed by Muslims, namely intention, movements, and recitations. By reciting the prayer from beginning to end, the prayer is in accordance

Surah Al-Insyirah is the 94th surah in the Quran that was revealed in the city of Makkah. This surah comprises 8 verses and has the meaning of “expansion.” The Asbabun Nuzul, or the background of the descent of this surah, is related to the severe trials faced by Prophet Muhammad SAW while spreading th

Prophet Yunus’s patience and submission in carrying out Allah’s orders can also be a role model for Muslims in confronting life’s challenges and performing the tasks we carry. Prophet Yunus’s supplication acts as a reminder for Muslims that nothing is more important than taking refuge with Allah SWT and preserving our relationship wit

Dhikr is also regarded as a deed that opens the door to sustenance. It makes one’s worldly and afterlife affairs feel smoother and easier. When doing dhikr, one will feel grateful for everything Allah has given, so the heart always feels content and far from feelings of greed and av

Prayer Recitation
للهُ اَكْبَرُ كَبِرًا وَالْحَمْدُ لِلهِ كَشِيْرًا وَسُبْحَانَ اللهِ بُكْرَةً وَاَصِيْلًا . اِنِّى وَجَّهْتُ وَجْهِيَ لِلَّذِيْ فَطَرَالسَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْااَرْضَ حَنِيْفًا مُسْلِمًا وَمَا اَنَا مِنَ الْمُشْرِكِيْنَ . اِنَّ صَلَاتِيْ وَنُسُكِيْ وَمَحْيَايَ وَمَمَاتِيْ لِلهِ رَبِّ الْعَا لَمِيْنَ . لاَ شَرِيْكَ لَهُ وَبِذَ لِكَ اُمِرْتُ وَاَنَ مِنَ ال

The lesson that can be gained from Prophet Yunus’s prayer is the significance of sincere repentance and acknowledging one’s mistakes. Prophet Yunus offers an example that no sin is too big to be forgiven by Allah SWT, as long as you sincerely repent and come back t

Dhikr is also a practice that was greatly beloved by the Prophet SAW. He never missed doing dhikr every day, making it one of the recommended practices for Muslims. Following the Prophet’s practices is highly encouraged in

Tahajud Invocation, Complete with Dhikr and The Merits It Brings

ight of one Suro.
This is the reason why there is a prohibition on the night of one Suro such as not being allowed to leave the house. Additionally, some sources state that on the night of one Suro, many spirits are wandering around and can harm humans,

odile, and so on.
In the context of certain beliefs, khodam is regarded as part of human beings that appears naturally or through certain processes. They are also thought to have a part in shapi

ng netizens.

It needs to be noted that this khodam checking service is actually meant for amusement and fun only, not as a serious matter that should be believed. To see more in regards to doa lengkap arab dhuha visit our site. However, this trend continues to be an fascinating topic of conversation and encourages many people to participate in the collective joy. So, for those who want to try, go ahead to check khodam us

Allâhumma antal abadiyyul qadîmul awwal. Wa ‘alâ fadhlikal ‘azhîmi wa karîmi jûdikal mu’awwal. Hâdzâ ‘âmun jadîdun qad aqbal. As’alukal ‘ishmata fîhi minas syaithâni wa auliyâ’ih, wal ‘auna ‘alâ hâdzihin nafsil ammârati bis sû’I, wal isytighâla bimâ yuqarribunî ilaika zulfâ, y

Allâhumma mâ ‘amiltu min ‘amalin fî hâdzihis sanati mâ nahaitanî ‘anhu, wa lam atub minhu, wa hamalta fîhâ ‘alayya bi fadhlika ba’da qudratika ‘alâ ‘uqûbatî, wa da’autanî ilat taubati min ba’di jarâ’atî ‘alâ ma’shiyatik. Fa innî astaghfiruka, faghfirlî wa mâ ‘amiltu fîhâ mimmâ tardhâ, wa wa’attanî ‘alaihits tsawâba, fa’as’aluka an tataqabbala minnî wa lâ taqtha’


“As stated in a verse of the Holy Quran, “And in some parts of the night (also) offer the Salat (prayer) with it (i.e. recite the Quran in the prayer), as an additional prayer (Tahajjud optional prayer) for you (O Muhammad). It may be that your Lord will raise you to Maqaman Mahmuda (a station of praise and glory, i.e. the highest degree in Paradise).”

ng the Quran

The next practice encouraged in Islam on the night of 1 Suro is reading the Quran. Reading and reflecting on the verses of the Quran, especially surahs that have special virtues, such as Al-Fatihah, Al-Ikh

For example, when someone hears that their friend’s wife is sick, as they are not physically present, that person sends a prayer from afar by saying “Syafahallah” through their sibling. In other words, the word “Syafahallah” is used as a way to pray for the recovery of someone who is sick, but not uttered directly to the sick person, rather through an intermediary, such as a sibling or another person who can convey it to the person who is


Lucinta Luna has again shocked her fans. This time, Lucinta Luna is said to have had plastic surgery again. On her Instagram account, Lucinta Luna displayed her head to neck wrapped in ban

Year Prayer

After performing the end of year prayer, Muslims are recommended to recite the beginning of year prayer on the night of 1 Suro or 1 Muharram. This prayer should ideally be read after maghrib time,

The night of first Suro is a moment when Javanese society hold various spiritual and religious activities. The Solo Culture and Tourism Office portrays the night of first Suro as an ideal night for reflectio

Kashmiri Muslims offering prayers during the month of Ramadan at a holy site in Srinagar, Indian-controlled Kashmir, May 7, 2019. Currently, Muslims around the world are performing worship during the month of Ramadan by abstaining from hunger, thirst, and desires from dawn

ving Charity

Another important act to perform on the night of 1 Suro is giving charity. Providing charity to those in need, whether in the form of money, food, or goods, is a encouraged practice. This is a form of gratitude and sharing happiness. Of course, this practice is not only performed on the night of 1 Suro,

and even smoking.
The Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud) clarifies that at the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace on the commemoration of the night of one Suro, they conduct a procession of heirlooms around the palace fortress, followed by thousands of residents from Yogyak

Night of One Suro
The prohibition on marriage on the night of one Suro is especially enforced for people in Solo and Yogyakarta. Some of them believe that conducting a wedding celebration in the month of

A herd of Albino Buffaloes, descendants of the Palace’s Sacred Buffalo Kyai Slamet, opens the way for the Kirab procession marking the Night of 1 Suro of the Surakarta Hadiningrat Palace, in Solo, Saturday (31/8/2019). The procession is held exactly on the night of 1 Suro, which signifies the change of the new year in the Javanese calendar (me

ah SWT

“Prophet Muhammad SAW said: Gabriel came to me and said, O Muhammad, live as you wish, for you will die. Love whom you will, for you will leave him. Do what you will, for you will be rewarded for it. Know that the nobility of a believer is in praying at night and his honor is in not needing people