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Previous studies have investigated the relationship between recruit quality and on-field performance and have found that a positive relationship exists. Although most teams tend to apply homogenous style, surprisingly, a unique strategy of soccer exists. We address this question by proposing a method to quantify the motif characteristics of soccer teams based on their pass networks. This paper looks at the impact of successful football and men’s basketball programs in the context of a comprehensive model of alumni giving, considering not only sports success but other student and institutional characteristics that may affect giving totals. At the same time, however, several high-profile scandals exposing unseemly behavior on the part of players, coaches, and even respected higher education institutions-as well as questions about the distribution of the enormous revenues pouring into university athletic departments-have marred the image of these college football and men’s basketball programs. The uncertainty of postseason appearances, even for teams with winning records, makes investing in sports a risky approach toward increasing alumni giving.

These results highlight the importance of including playoff considerations when investigating the uncertainty of outcome hypothesis as well as the value of competitive balance to sport league success. The Simar and Wilson (J Econometrics, 136: 31-64, 2007) procedure is used to bootstrap the data envelopment analysis scores in order to establish the effect of football clubs’ current value and debt levels on their obtained efficiency scores. This paper analyzes how European football clubs’ current value and debt levels influence their performance. At the same time, the empirical evidence suggests that football clubs’ debt levels do not influence their efficiency levels. This dissertation empirically investigates the issue of fan response (as measured by league-wide regular season attendance figures) to varying levels of inter-seasonal competitive balance as measured by the churn of playoff qualifying/advancing teams and as affected by league playoff structures that dictate the number of teams making the playoffs. Methods. Data from a variety of sources are used to examine the factors that determine alumni giving levels at the institutional level from 1973 to 1990. Separate data sets are constructed for private universities, public universities, and liberal arts colleges.

Competitive balance (the level of equality of playing talent across teams) is presumed to be a necessary element for league success due to the unique inter-dependent economic nature of professional sports which requires teams to have financially healthy rivals in order to field games (Rottenberg 1956). Underlying this notion is the uncertainty of outcome hypothesis, which suggests that a fan’s interest in professional sports is dependent on various levels of uncertainty of outcome: individual game uncertainty (who will win the game), individual season uncertainty (who will win the championship), and consecutive season uncertainty (does the same team win the championship every year) (Cairns 1987). Although there is an expanding body of literature that empirically tests the uncertainty of outcome hypothesis, most of it focuses on attendance responses to within-game or within-season measures of competitive balance. This thesis found that all defensive statistics are important but specific defensive statistics will determine how successful a football team at the NCAA Division III level will be. There is an abundance of entities that disseminate power ratings for NCAA Division I-A and I-AA football teams.

No previous study has analyzed how the number of teams that qualify for the playoffs affects fan interest in a league through competitive balance concerns. In the National Hockey League, a reduction in the number of teams that make the playoffs from 16 to 14 is expected to increase the average attendance per game by over 700 (about 4% of the current average). The highest number of wins that a team could have throughout the course of a season in NCAA Division III was and continues to be fifteen. During the 2014 season one team, Wisconsin Whitewater, the Division III National Champion did finish with fifteen wins since they went undefeated. If you are not familiar with how college football determines the four teams that are picked to contend for the national championship, I refer you to the Selection Committee Protocol which is a guide on how the committee chooses the four playoff teams at the end of the regular season and after the league championship games. The Nets are at home, and home teams usually win Game 7. The Bucks are healthier.

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