Can one observe fasting on the 1st of Muharram a.k.a. Suro 1st, What is the Islamic law on this?

ry fasting month.

“The most virtuous prayer after the obligatory prayers is the prayer in the last third of the night, and the most meritorious fast after the fast of Ramadan is fasting in the month of Muhar

Prayer Recitation

Illustration of Praying Credit:

اَللّٰهُمَّ اِنَّ الضُّحَآءَ ضُحَاءُكَ وَالْبَهَاءَ بَهَاءُكَ وَالْجَمَالَ جَمَالُكَ وَالْقُوَّةَ قُوَّتُكَ وَالْقُدْرَةَ قُدْرَتُكَ وَالْعِصْمَةَ عِصْمَتُك

e preceding year.

“The fast of Arafah removes the sins of the preceding year and the next year.” He was also asked about the merit of the Ashura fast? He replied, “The Ashura fast erases the sins of the preceding y

There are various dates in the month of Muharram that are recommended for practicing voluntary fasting with numerous virtues. So, is it acceptable to practice voluntary fasting on the 1st of Muhar

A herd of Albino Buffaloes, descendants of the Palace’s Sacred Buffalo Kyai Slamet, opens the way for the Kirab procession commemorating the Night of 1 Suro of the Surakarta Hadiningrat Palace, in Solo, Saturday (31/8/2019). The procession is held exactly on the night of 1 Suro, If you beloved this article along with you would want to acquire more information with regards to puasa tasua asyura ( i implore you to pay a visit to the internet site. which marks the change of the new year in the Javanese calendar (me

m the jinn realm.

The definition of khodam is a human associate, which can be gained by a person through inheritance from ancestors or from one’s own self. The application of khodam is the human ability to converse with the other

s its own merits.

“It’s possible that the Prophet saw was only told about the excellence of Muharram exceeding Shaban in the final days of his life, or maybe the Prophet saw already knew about it but couldn’t multiply fasting in the month of Muharram due to different obstacles, such as illness, travel, and the lik


Supernatural beings that are rumored to inhabit the body may not be innate or alternatively, these beings sometimes manifest due to certain human behaviors until they eventually occupy someone’s body. An

For example, if someone is working out of town and hears that their father has fallen ill, they can use the word “syafahullah” through their mother or another intermediary as a prayer or hope to Allah for their father’s rec

In Arabic, one phrase can indeed have several forms as a result of different objects or subjects. Temporal distinctions can also affect the form of words in Arabic. Understanding the difference in meaning of each word form will give accurate contextual information in the sen

n In fact, for those who perform Dhuha prayer, Allah SWT will build a beautiful house made of gold for them in paradise. Some also say that every Muslim, male or female, who carries out this prayer will receive rewards equivalent to performing Umra

Another alternative to respond to the prayer “Syafakallah” is by saying “Syukron,” which means “thank you.” However, to give a more complete response and appreciate the prayer that has been conveyed, it is advised to add the word “Aamiin” or “Jazakallahu Khairan” in front of it. This will show appreciation and hope that the prayer will be accepted by Alla

Carrying out obligatory prayers in jamak takhir is one form of rukhsah or leniency in carrying out an act of worship in Islam. For example, when traveling after Asr, and only arriving at the destination at Isha time, we are allowed to perform jamak takhir for Maghrib and Isha prayers.

Thinking Pattern

One of the characteristics of someone who has a khodam is having a mature thinking pattern, even if they are still young. The thinking pattern becomes the most important thing to pay attention to if you want to determine whether someone has a khodam or not. A child or teenager generally has an immature and stubborn thinking pattern. This is different from khodam owners, who can have

People are often confused to distinguish the meanings of syafahullah, syafahallah, syafakillah, and syafakallah. All four are words that are frequently used to pray for healing for others. In a hadith narration, the Prophet once provided an instance of a prayer for restoring health to his companion, which s

Muslims are indeed recommended to pray for each other in matters of goodness. When receiving a good prayer, a Muslim should also reciprocate with a good prayer. Here are good prayers that can be said in response to the prayers of syafahullah, syafahallah, syafakillah, and syafak

To respond to a prayer for healing from others, you can also say “Jazakallahu Khairan” if the expression comes from a man. This means “May Allah reward you with goodness.” If the expression comes from a woman, you can use the feminine version, which is “Jazakillahu Khairan.” If the expression is directed to many people at once, then you can use “Jazakumullahu Kha