Although I was not there, I am almost certain of what happened. Here are the facts. Dr. Gates had a long flight from China. I have made that flight numerous times and I know how tiring and even stressful it can be. He is frustrated and angered that he cannot get into his house. But there is a deeper anger deep within the psyche of Dr. Gates that is in all of us Blacks. There is a black rage that lingers from centuries of abuse and injustice. That anger is compounded by the frustration that Dr. West’s definition of Black is all too real to those of us who would like to think that we can transcend that trap. Surely it must have been devastating for that reality to hit an already tired and stressed Black Professor.

alcohol addiction and abuse abuse facts Information on risk management is readily available in cyberspace and in the marketplace. The …

Whenever your thoughts return to sadness, fear or grief over lost love, you put up a mental Stop Sign and make a conscious choice to see all the faces of love in your life and be thankful for them. You make a conscious mental shift from loss and dis-ease so that you can see and experience abundance, gratitude and love– which are the emotions and attitudes of healing.

drug abuse facts Learning how to stop panic attacks has been the challenge of my lifetime. Here are some tips …

It’s hit the home of the single mom trying to raise her kids properly while having to work so that she can feed them. It’s hit the home of parents who might be drug addicts themselves. It’s hit the homes of the people who proclaim “my child would never be a drug addict. He/she has been raised properly.” It hits the home of the devout churchgoers, the policemen’s children, the homes with children with high grades or star athletes. I could go on.

drug abuse facts 80. Automatic mandatory arrest laws escalate, not reduce, the risk of successful partner violence, because when abusers …

The facts about long term alcohol abuse are everywhere. Liver damage, heart disease, etc, etc… It is very easy to go from one night a week, to two nights. From a couple of really good sessions to a few beers in front of the TV. A couple of beers for the game to hide and go seek with the whiskey bottle. Once you are there, the risks to every part of your life are massive.

alcohol abuse facts Once a person gets addicted, his life gets debased. His esteem, career, social life, family and status …