Some parents make an excuse for sending their children into such violent environments by saying, “Well, they need to get out there in the real world. Better now than later.” How can exposing our children to a little assault, a little rape, or a little molestation be justified? It is heart-breaking to see parents who want badly to remove their children from such an environment but circumstances prevent them from doing so. Some have no choice but to send their children where they will be indoctrinated to believe that fathers are unimportant and homosexuality should be accepted as a normal lifestyle and killing the unborn is a legitimate way to avoid the consequences of the sin of fornication?

alcohol abuse facts Actually, substance abuse can be treated through hypnosis and self-help. The causes of cigarette addiction are similar …

If you think your child is already having sex, chat with them about it. Don’t get angry, but approach it in a calm and reasonable manner. Talk to them about your experiences and be honest. If your child has a boyfriend/girlfriend and things seem to be getting serious, start the conversation if you haven’t already. Above all, make sure they are being safe.

drug abuse facts Now, here’s the kicker, thousands more Americans have one parent or both secluded in their homes. Most …