Former Governor of DKI Jakarta Mr. Baswedan is determined to return DKI Jakarta to a advanced city after being formally announced by the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) as a Bacagub for the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada.

Several Figures Furthermore, the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan-RB), Abdullah Azwar Anas, is also considered a potential candidate for East Java governor. “Then who else, Minister Abdullah Azwar Anas, former Banyuwangi Regent. If he can in Jakarta, why not in East Java?” said Eriko. As for the deputy gubernatorial position, E. Sotarduga said that PDI-P also has many members. They include Budi Kanang Sulistyono, Vice Chairman of PDIP DPD Jatim and Kediri Regent Hanindhito Himawan Pramana. “For the vice-governor candidate in East Java, there are even more. There’s Mas Kanang, Mas Dito. Many more local officials there,” he added.

Below are the salaries for the PPS in the 2024 Regional Election along with their tenure, compiled by from various sources, Monday (May 27, 2024). [Watch Video](

According to Huda, another PKS confusion is pairing Anies-Sohibul directly, which he considers a blunder. “The ensuing problem is immediately pairing Mr. Anies and Mr. Sohibul Iman. In my view, that’s a blunder,” stated. Huda said that by pairing Anies with Sohibul, it closes the door for other parties to join in supporting Anies. “This will close the door for other parties to partner and form this coalition,” stated.

Huda reminded that the Jakarta Pilkada is very fluid and nothing is fixed yet, including PKS, even though they are the winners of the Jakarta Legislative Election, but they cannot nominate on their own. “Nominating two figures at once as governor and deputy governor candidates, that’s in terms of political etiquette for a party that already has a golden ticket, has 20 percent. Now, we know our PKS friends did win in the last legislative election. But they haven’t exceeded 20 percent because they only have 18 seats while the 20 percent is 22 seats,” stated. “So in my opinion, this model of hoarding figures for a party that doesn’t meet and doesn’t have a golden ticket is dangerous, dangerous,” he concluded.

Previously, PKS officially nominated Anies Baswedan and Sohibul Iman as prospective gubernatorial and cawagub candidates for the 2024 DKI Jakarta gubernatorial election. This was announced by PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu in his speech at the Party Leadership School titled ‘Always Defending the People’ at the Grand Sahid Hotel, Central Jakarta, on Tuesday. “The PKS Central Executive Board (Dewan Pimpinan Pusat) in its meeting on Thursday, June 20, 2024, has decided to nominate Mr. Anies Rasyid Baswedan as prospective gubernatorial and Mr. Sohibul Iman as prospective deputy gubernatorial candidates,” said Syaikhu. Syaikhu explained that the DPP PKS decision to endorse Anies and Sohibul Iman in the 2024 Jakarta Pilgub was based on the proposal from the PKS DKI Jakarta Regional Executive Board (DPW). “I have received a letter from the DPW DKI Jakarta structure that has proposed the DKI gubernatorial candidate to the DPP PKS, followed by the DKI deputy gubernatorial candidate to the DPP PKS, which includes a request to approve and ratify Mr. Anies Rasyid Baswedan and Mr. Mohammad Sohibul Iman as cagub and deputy gubernatorial candidate for DKI,” said Syaikhu.

If this comes to fruition, the two parties will arrange a contender for the Khofifah and Emil Dardak. “Perhaps we can work together with PKB in East Java, right,” Eriko told reporters at the parliament complex, Jakarta, June 10, 2024. He showed confidence about the strength of PDIP and PKB in East Java, as both parties hold a significant number of DPRD seats. “The winner in East Java now is PKB, and in the last period, we were the winners. So, if the current period’s winner and the last period’s winner join forces, why not?” he said.

Eriko mentioned that PDIP has many members who could be nominated as the 2024 East Java gubernatorial candidate, including Secretary of the Cabinet Pramono Anung. “Now let me ask, don’t we have a candidate for governor? We do. Can’t Mr. Pram do it? He could in Jakarta, why not in East Java,” he said. Besides Anung, he also highlighted Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini and Budget Board Chief Said Abdullah. “Could Mrs. Tri Rismaharini not be suitable for East Java? Could Mr. Said Abdullah not be suitable for East Java?” he added.

Additionally, Syaikhu said his party also listened to various inputs from figures, clerics, If you’re ready to find out more info regarding Sistem pengenalan wajah kriminal look into our own internet site. habaib, interfaith leaders, religious leaders, intellectuals, and the people of DKI Jakarta. “The main considerations are candidates with good leadership experience in both executive and legislative branches, a proven track record, high credibility, capacity, and a high probability of winning,” he said.

nBased on the General Election Commission Decree Number 475 of 2024, the tenure of the PPS in the 2024 Regional Election is 8 months, starting on May 26, 2024 . This signifies their commitment to supporting the regional election process. Another important date is January 27, 2025, marking the end of the PPS’s tenure after the voting process is completed