Most public health messages are based on the tobacco principle. Tell people its bad and do not allow any wriggle room. It is fair to say that tobacco is not healthy in any amount (although like with all poisons less is better than more). However with foods and alcohol the situation is not as clear-cut.

I was happy to read about what Senator Miller said concerning Arnold Toynbee’s “A Study of History.” Toynbee started writing his 12-volume work in the early 1930’s and finished it in the mid 1960’s, having died in 1975. He wrote, as Senator Miller stated: “Of the 22 civilizations that have appeared in history, 19 of them collapsed when they reached the moral state American is in today.” He would have really thought it was near its end if he were still alive today, wouldn’t he?

alcohol abuse facts Fact: Children are exposed to drugs earlier and earlier in their lives. By survey, 45% of the children in public schools in the U.S. have tried drugs or alcohol, or are using them, by the 8th grade.

substance abuse faces Actually, substance abuse can be treated through hypnosis and self-help. The causes of cigarette addiction are similar to any substance abuse. It can be due to biological, social, or psychological factors. Oftentimes, children of parents with nicotine dependence are more likely to be addicted to cigarette or chain smoking.

There are four main causes of chronic disease, such as the lack of exercise, low nutrition, smoking, and alcohol abuse. Over one third of all adults do not get enough exercise. This is despite an increase in the number of new gym contracts. Although there is plenty of physical exercise taking place in elementary and high schools, exercise activity decreases substantially after graduating from high school. Nutrition is probably the biggest challenge in the developing world, and surprisingly developed countries such as the United States. People are consuming more foods that are energy dense, high in sugar, saturated fats, and excessively salty.

drug abuse facts The Truth: There are plenty of binge drinkers out there who abuse alcohol only a few days a week, yet do as much if not more damage than the daily drinker. Did you know binge drinkers are more likely to take risks such as driving while intoxicated? Binge drinkers are also more likely to get alcohol poisoning, which occurs when they drink too much alcohol in too short a period of time.

88. Spousal and Domestic Abuse rates are not their highest on Super Bowl Sunday than any other single day of the year. Not all men are into football, as a matter of fact men usually are not with their female partners on that day.

Do you say to your children, “I want you to learn algebra on your own; I do not want you to have to go over the drills time and time again like my parents made me do.” You do not! So, may I ask, why is telling them about God any different? There is none! You know it and I know it. The difference is that you have become indifferent about God and you are passing along that indifference to your Children, and you are doing them an injustice detox from alcohol. having done so.