Once a person gets addicted, his life gets debased. His esteem, career, social life, family and status get carried away with the wind, leaving the person with nothing but drugs. as the stress level of the addict rises, he starts consuming more and more drugs, thinking and hoping that they would help, forgetting that those who create problems cannot help us to solve them. Slowly, his life comes almost to an end. The person feels the heat of loneliness all the time and thus gets alienated from the society.

alcohol abuse facts For me, listening to this style of music is a lot like reading history or fiction. That is, we can listen to songs and experience a culture that is not our own.

The temptation of the drug-pusher is that, “Go ahead and try it. Once won’t hurt you.” That’s false. Even marijuana is bad for the body and mind. Marijuana’s smoke has more than 400 chemicals, and 60 of these have been proven to cause cancer. Moreover, when a person smokes pot, several things happen: 1) there is an almost immediate burn-up of vitamins and minerals in the body, and 2) the nerves in the body go numb. The FACT is that marijuana affects the nerves, the lungs, and the brain. Moreover, since drugs are stored in the fatty tissues of the body for a lifetime (lacking treatment), they stifle motivation, learning abilities, responsibility, and creativity.

There are danger signs that the grieving person is in distress: weight loss or gain, substance abuse, depression, prolonged sleep disorders, physical problems, inability to handle responsibilities, talk about suicide, lack of personal hygiene.

drug abuse facts The one fact that most people have a hard time wrapping their heads around is that addiction IS a recognized brain disease. A lot of us refuse to accept that, others are merely skeptical and then there are those who believe it or are eager to learn more about it.

substance abuse faces If your kids already drink, you’d be wise to get them into an alcohol rehab center so they can quit drinking before they get to college. Or, if they’re already in college and drinking, consider taking them out for a while so they can get straightened out. Also, if you want to avoid having to get help for your kid through an alcohol rehab center, check out the top party school lists so you know what they are and see if you can arrange for your kid to go to a college that’s known for excellent academics, not excellent parties.

Next, tap every resource you have, internally and externally. Don’t give up. You have the knowledge, strength, courage and personal assets to get through this. Now would be a good time to stop smoking, stop or diminish your alcohol consumption, make better food choices, exercise-you have the time, so take advantage of it to get yourself healthy.

Age can cause hair loss. When the body advances in age there is a gradual decline in cellular function including hair follicular function which will result in hair thinning and increased hair loss. Such loss of hair and baldness problems caused by age can be treated using drugs such as minoxidil. Minoxidil is a vasodilator which increases blood supply to the scalp when it is applied onto the skin of the scalp. This increases the amount of oxygen and nutrients reaching the scalp, thus stimulating all hair follicles that had gone into the resting stage to come back into the production line and increase hair growth.