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“Better postured individuals probably have fewer defects, enjoy better health, and live longer than those with a seriously distorted skeleton.” – Joseph T. Freeman, M.D., Journal of the American Medical Association, October 19, 1957.

We are all different. We are all human and will make mistakes. Sometimes it is better to follow that voice that resonates deep within you than blindly follow someone else’s rules for “addiction recovery“. It is only you who will have to account for your life in the end. In the quiet of the night, alone, you will know the truth of who you are. You can follow the world by day, but you are the one who has to be proud when you lay your head down on your pillow at night.

words of encouragement for sobriety If you are already paying higher rates on your existing life insurance because of high blood pressure or high cholesterol, and you lower those numbers to normal levels, contact your insurance company and let them know. They should lower your rates.

words of inspiration for someone fighting addiction The number two method to overcoming this crisis is to run away from drugs and substance abuse as much as possible. To put in another way, you have to get rid of drugs or substances you are inclined to abuse from your residence. Running away from them will help your immunity. On the other hand if you still keep one or two of them around you or still associate with your addicted friends, you are liable to go back. Thence, the best way out is to keep away from them at all cost. It will be encouraging to tell your friends of your choice to quit so that they can keep an eye on you.

In preventing teen drug addiction, the lines of communication have to be open. What does that mean? If your troubled teen can share their mistakes and bad decisions with you, without you having to jump down their throat, I think there is healthy communication transpiring between both of you.

words of inspiration for sobriety Lets have a looks at what ‘rejection’ means to an adult. Imagine I have tried to contact someone who did not respond in the way I hoped – or, who did not respond at all. When that happens I may feel ‘rejected’. But, what is that all about?

The first few months off of drugs is a very delicate period for anyone. The urges can come often and sometimes hard. Thoughts of using will be occurring at the most inopportune times.

If your debtor is rich and has not hidden their assets, you can sell your judgment for big money. If not, it is going to sell for pennies on the dollar; and perhaps you should consider trying to find a contingency future-payment judgment recovery expert.