Prayer Steps Including The Actions, Understand for Correct Worship

al fasting month.
“The most meritorious prayer after the obligatory prayers is the prayer in the last third of the night, and the most virtuous fast after the fast of Ramadan is fasting in the month of Muhar

usness and grace.
KH Abdul Hamid also emphasizes the health benefits of milk, especially for children’s growth and development. According to him, milk has been cited in the Quran and hadith as a drink abundant in blessings. During the Isra’ Mi’raj event, Prophet Muhammad saw chose milk when Angel Gabrie

Prayer Recitation
للهُ اَكْبَرُ كَبِرًا وَالْحَمْدُ لِلهِ كَشِيْرًا وَسُبْحَانَ اللهِ بُكْرَةً وَاَصِيْلًا . اِنِّى وَجَّهْتُ وَجْهِيَ لِلَّذِيْ فَطَرَالسَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْااَرْضَ حَنِيْفًا مُسْلِمًا وَمَا اَنَا مِنَ الْمُشْرِكِيْنَ . اِنَّ صَلَاتِيْ وَنُسُكِيْ وَمَحْيَايَ وَمَمَاتِيْ لِلهِ رَبِّ الْعَا لَمِيْنَ . لاَ شَرِيْكَ لَهُ وَبِذَ لِكَ اُمِرْتُ وَاَنَ مِنَ ال

atihah Recitation
بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِاَلْحَمْدُ لِلّٰهِ رَبِّ الْعٰلَمِيْنَۙالرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِۙمٰلِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّيْنِۗاِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَاِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِيْنُۗاِهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِيْمَ ۙصِرَاطَ الَّذِيْنَ اَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ ەۙ غَيْرِ الْمَغْضُوْبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا ا

There are various dates in the month of Muharram that are advised for observing voluntary fasting with various virtues. So, is it allowed to practice voluntary fasting on the 1st of Muhar

s its own merits.
“It’s possible that the Prophet saw was only made aware about the merit of Muharram exceeding Shaban in the last days of his life, or possibly the Prophet saw already knew about it but didn’t have the chance to multiply fasting in the month of Muharram due to several hindrances, such as illness, travel, and the lik

الَّذِيْنَ اٰمَنُوْا وَتَطْمَىِٕنُّ قُلُوْبُهُمْ بِذِكْرِ اللّٰهِ ۗ اَلَا بِذِكْرِ اللّٰهِ تَطْمَىِٕنُّ الْقُلُوْ

For example, if someone is working out of town and hears that their father has fallen ill, they can use the word “syafahullah” through their mother or another intermediary as a prayer or hope to Allah for their father’s rec

Muslims are indeed advised to pray for each other in matters of goodness. When receiving a good prayer, a Muslim should also respond with a good prayer. Here are good prayers that can be spoken in response to the prayers of syafahullah, syafahallah, syafakillah, and syafak

Drink Excessively
Allah SWT states in QS. Al-A’raf: 31, “Eat and drink, but do not be excessive. Indeed, Allah does not like those who are wasteful.” Drinking too much can cause overhydration and brain function impairments. Adhering to the recommendation not to be excessive when drinking milk on 1 Muharram is part of maintaining health and obeying the etiquette of drinking as instructe

Reciting Basmalah
Prophet Muhammad SAW advised reciting basmalah before commencing anything, including drinking. Saying “Bismillah” before drinking milk on 1 Muharram is part of the etiquette of drinking as taught by Prophet Muhammad SAW, which can increase grace in every sip, reflecting good intentions and prayers for goo

ٱلَّذِينَ قَالَ لَهُمُ ٱلنَّاسُ إِنَّ ٱلنَّاسَ قَدْ جَمَعُوا لَكُمْ فَٱخْشَوْهُمْ فَزَادَهُمْ إِيمَٰنًا وَقَالُوا حَسْبُنَا اللهُ وَنِعْمَ ٱلْوَكِ

Meaning: Those to whom hypocrites said, “Indeed, the people have gathered against you, so fear them.” But it [merely] increased them in faith, and they said, “Sufficient for us is Allah, and [He is] the best Disposer of aff

ed by Ahmad)

The importance of drinking milk on 1 Muharram lies not only in physical cleanliness, but also spiritual. Milk, which was chosen by Prophet Muhammad SAW during the Isra’ Mi’raj, represents wholesomeness and virtue. By following the manners of drinking as demonstrated by Prophet Muhammad SAW, such as uttering the basmalah and using the right hand, this observance moreover bolsters the prayers and wis

The meaning of Syafahulla is “may Allah SWT heal him.” This word is used when someone speaks a prayer or hope to Allah SWT to heal a male person who is sick. In the context of syafahullah, the man referred to is the third person in the convers

For those who have any kind of queries about where and the best way to work with puasa muharram hari ini, it is possible to e mail us from our own website.