President Joko Widodo, also known as Jokowi, declined to comment on the 2024 Central Java Regional Election (Pilkada).

Dody mentioned that of the four prospective candidates, Noer Fajriansyah did not apply for Silon access and did not submit the support documents. Sudirman Said requested Silon access from the Jakarta KPU but did not submit the support documents by the deadline. Poempida Hidayatullah also requested Silon access but did not submit the support documents. John Muhammad requested Silon access on the last day for submitting the documents but did not submit the support documents. “So, until Sunday at 11:59 PM WIB, only one prospective independent candidate pair submitted the documents, which we will now verify to see if they meet the initial requirements,” Dody said.

In preparation for the 2024 Election, the General Election Commission (KPU) estimates the need for 5,742,127 KPPS members, who will be spread across 820,161 polling stations (TPS) throughout Indonesia. In addition, 12,765 Indonesian citizens abroad will also be recruited as KPPS members in 128 countries.

In the context of the General Election (Pemilu) Pilkada, the Polling Station Working Committee (KPPS) has important responsibilities in ensuring the smooth and transparent democratic process. According to Law No. 15 of 2011 of the Republic of Indonesia, here are the duties, authorities, and obligations given to KPPS:

“We are still very open, but we might prioritize KIM, leaning towards the Advanced Indonesia Coalition,” said Eko at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Tuesday. However, according to him, PAN has already decided to propose Zita Anjani as the candidate for deputy governor . He noted that PAN envisions the female politician being paired with any candidate. “It would be great, Zita Anjani with Kaesang, Kaesang as the governor, Zita as the deputy governor, both young, complementing each other, it looks interesting to me,” said the politician and DPR RI member

Didi continued, there are several names with the potential to run and be elected in the East Java Pilkada. These include Eri Cahyadi (Surabaya), Achmad Amir Aslichin, MS. Umam, Adam Rusydi (Sidoarjo). Then Gus Yani, Dr. Alif, Ufiq Zuroida, Thoriq Majiddanor (Gresik). Following them are Mas Dion, Mufti Anam (Pasuruan Regency), Gus Ayik, Gus Hilmy (Pasuruan City), Gus Iwan, Yusuf Sugiarto (Lamongan), Zulfahmy Wahab (Bojonegoro), Gus Abid Umar (Kediri City), Gus Barra, Ning Ikfina (Mojokerto Regency). Moh Ali Kuncoro, Ning Ita (Mojokerto City), Fairouz Huda (Malang City), Ra Nasih, Ra Hasani, Mahfud (Bangkalan), Gus Dr. Haris (Probolinggo Regency), Gus Fawait (Jember).

Among the few who consulted with the Jakarta KPU, only one pair submitted the necessary support documents by the deadline on Sunday night (10/5/2024). Previously, several names had consulted with the Jakarta KPU, including Dharma Pongrekun (Deputy Head of BSSN 2019-2021), Sudirman Said (Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources 2014-2016), Noer Fajrieansyah (Commissioner of PT Petrokimia Gresik), and Poempida Hidayatullah (Member of Parliament 2012-2014). From these names, only one pair seriously pursued the candidacy and submitted the required support documents to the Jakarta KPU. This pair is Dharma Pongrekun and Kun Wardana.

According to Senior Researcher at Populi Center, Usep Saepul Ahyar, running in the regional election through the independent path is quite complicated. Additionally, defeating candidates supported by political parties is also difficult. Independent candidates must have the support of 7.5% of the total Permanent Voter List (DPT). In the Jakarta Regional Election, 618,968 support statements with identity cards are needed. “So, independent candidates can’t be instant. They must be well-prepared and organized long in advance, securing network support and obtaining 7.5% from the DPT,” Usep told on Monday (13/5/2024).

He mentioned that such suggestions are completely acceptable. “Yes, all sorts of pairings are fine,” said the man commonly known as Zulhas at the Jakarta Presidential Palace Complex, Tuesday (June 25, 2024)

[vidio:VIDEO: Discussion: The Anies-Kaesang Duo and RK Competing in the Jakarta Pilkada, What Are the Chances?](

The postgraduate alumnus from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) at Wijaya Kusuma University Surabaya (UWKS) believes that the emergence of young NU figures competing in the East Java Pilkada shows the success of cadre regeneration within NU.

The General Election (Pemilu) is a primary pillar in the implementation of people’s sovereignty in Indonesia. This process marks an important moment in the practice of democracy, where people have the right to elect their leaders directly, freely, secretly, honestly, and fairly.

This salary increase for KPPS members shows the government’s attention towards the election organizers who work hard during the voting process. With better salaries, it is hoped that KPPS members can perform their duties better as well. Furthermore, the increase in KPPS salaries can be interpreted as the government’s effort to enhance the overall quality of election administration.

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