Six Prohibitions for the Night of Suro and Their Meanings, Considered to Bring Bad Luck

l Muslimiin.

Meaning: Allah is the Greatest, all praise be to Him, and glory be to Allah day and night. I have turned my face sincerely towards He who has brought forth the heavens and the earth and I am not of those who associate (others with Allah). If you have any kind of concerns concerning where and how you can utilize bacaan niat doa dhuha, you can call us at the internet site. Indeed, my prayer, my sacrifice, my life and my death are all for Alla

Many people mistakenly understand khusnul khotimah as departing in a positive state. Nevertheless, this is not accurate. The difference of just one letter or a small error in pronunciation in Arabic can

Muslims conduct Tahajud prayer during the Night of Lailatul Qadar at Naif Mosque, Dubai (5/5/2021). 10 days before the end of Ramadan, Muslims undertake Itikaf to achieve the night of glory (Lailatul Qadar) by reciting the Quran, performing Tahajud Prayer and reme

ed by Ahmad)

The significance of drinking milk on 1 Muharram lies not only in physical hygiene, but also religious. Milk, which was picked by Prophet Muhammad SAW during the Isra’ Mi’raj, represents wholesomeness and virtue. By adhering to the adab of drinking as taught by Prophet Muhammad SAW, such as reciting the basmalah and using the right hand, this observance moreover bolsters the prayers and ho

The practice of Muslims drinking milk on 1 Muharram has developed into a tradition recommended by religious leaders. This observance is performed as a means of aspiration and invocation with the intention that the new year is made a clean, immaculate, and benevolent year. In Indonesia, this tradition is more recognized and observed by the Islamic organiza

1. Intention

The intention before drinking is meant to make sure that what enters the body becomes blessed. Prophet Muhammad SAW advised to have the intention by reciting, “Alhamdulillahilladzi ath ‘amanaa wa saqoonaa wa ja’alanaa minal muslimiin,” which means “All praise be to Allah who has bestowed upon us food and drink. And made us among the Muslims.” This observance can be applied when drinking milk on 1 Muharram as a means of aspiration for a new yea

and benediction.

KH Abdul Hamid also stresses the health advantages of milk, particularly for children’s growth and development. According to him, milk has been mentioned in the Quran and hadith as a drink rich in blessings. During the Isra’ Mi’raj event, Prophet Muhammad saw selected milk when Angel Gabrie

lter the meaning.

Thus, you absolutely must not misconstrue this phrase. The prayer you say for yourself or for others could actually lead you to invoke something negative. So, you must grasp the disparity between the meanings of khusnul kho

Before performing Dhuha prayer, Muslims are encouraged to recite the intention prayer. The prayer intention is always pronounced before doing prayer, both sunnah and obligatory prayers. The following is the recitation of the i

l Qarib al-Mujib,

“As for (the condition of) jamak ta’khir, it is obligatory to perform the intention of jamak at the time of the first prayer. It is permissible to delay this jamak intention as long as there is still time left from the first prayer time where if the prayer is started at that time, it becomes an ada’ prayer (not qadha’). It is not obligatory in this jamak ta’khir to do the prayer in order, nor is it obligatory to perform muwalah and the intention of jamak according to the va

for Allah Ta’ala”

If we choose to do Asr prayer first, we only need to perform Asr prayer, with the intention of combining it with Dhuhr. Only after finishing the Asr prayer, without pause, immedi

After knowing the Arabic prayer recitation after Dhuha prayer and its translation, you need to know the virtues of Dhuha prayer. Quoted from the book Berkah Shalat Dhuha by M. Khalilurrahman Al Mahfani, it explains the virtues of doing Dhuha

of reserve deeds

One of the functions of voluntary prayers is to perfect the shortcomings of obligatory prayers. As is known, prayer is the first deed to be reckoned on the Day of Judgment. Prayer is also the key to all good deeds. If one’s prayer is good, then other acts of worship will be good. Likewise, if one’s prayer is ruined, they will be at a loss and be disappointed. Voluntary prayers – including Dhuha prayer – are an investment or reserve deed that can complete the shortcomi


A video went viral on social media. It shows KRL passengers on the Bogor-Angke route performing the Fajr prayer in the KRL carriage. The prayer room at the station was known to be full due to the large number of worshippers praying. Therefore, some passengers chose

khusnul khotimah.

Husnul signifies good while khusnul means dishonorable. So, the meaning of khusnul khotimah is a shameful end. Obviously, this will be catastrophic if someone dies and then you say or write, “may the deceased be khusnul khotimah” which implies may they e