Some parents make an excuse for sending their children into such violent environments by saying, “Well, they need to get out there in the real world. Better now than later.” How can exposing our children to a little assault, a little rape, or a little molestation be justified? It is heart-breaking to see parents who want badly to remove their children from such an environment but circumstances prevent them from doing so. Some have no choice but to send their children where they will be indoctrinated to believe that fathers are unimportant and homosexuality should be accepted as a normal lifestyle and killing the unborn is a legitimate way to avoid the consequences of the sin of fornication?

iStock Imagealcohol abuse facts Actually, substance abuse can be treated through hypnosis and self-help. The causes of cigarette addiction are similar to any substance abuse. It can be due to biological, social, or psychological factors. Oftentimes, children of parents with nicotine dependence are more likely to be addicted to cigarette or chain smoking.

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism says sorority and fraternity members drink more often and drink more than their peers. Years ago, binge drinking used to mean heavy drinking for several days. That has changed. Today, it is defined as five or more drinks in a row for men and item378393338 four or more drinks in a row for women.

This is just one fact about drug abuse that gets this far, it all starts from a small case of bullying or curiosity and can wind up big time with syndicates.

drug abuse facts If I sound malicious or angry with my thoughts, you are so correct. I am angry, I am mad as hell, I am even prepared to step out and challenge anyone that allows or ignores abuse.

substance abuse faces Who do I blame? I blame you and me! I blame America! I blame the U.S. Congress! I blame schools, but most of all I blame parents. Parents have ceased to teach their children the moral values our grandparents taught our parents. We parents seem to be rearing our children in such a haphazard way that morality is not even being mentioned in 99% of the homes today.

We know that drug Abstinence is the goal and we know that drug abstinence training is effective. Opponents of drug prevention efforts argue that past drug prevention has totally failed. The truth is that drug preventative education does work and users are in the minority. Surveys show that even though drugs may be readily available to most students, the majority of them do NOT use.

The androgynously masculine guards joke and guffaw, inmates the brunt of their jokes. If they ever knew what it was like to be thoughtful or considerate, they do not show it. Several hundred female inmates attempt to sleep behind locked doors in the cacophony of harsh sounds. Sacred space is not to be found here. As they joke and swear, telling stories in deep voices, the sounds bounce off the cinderblocks, reverberating through the walls.