The East Java General Election Commission (KPU) unveiled the jingle and mascot for the 2024 East Java Elections at the Launch Event for the East Java Governor and Deputy Governor Election 2024 in Surabaya on Tuesday night (4/6/2024).

The East Java KPU has conducted several stages of the 2024 regional elections for the province. These include the recruitment of members of the District Election Committee (PPK) and the Voting Committee (PPS). Additionally, they have carried out the submission stage for the support requirements of prospective independent candidate pairs. “The next stage we will undertake soon is updating and compiling the voter list,” stated East Java KPU Chairman Aang Kunaifi.

nPreviously, Jakarta PAN Regional Chairman Eko Hendro Purnomo, also known as Eko Patrio, said that his party would prioritize supporting the gubernatorial candidate backed by the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) in the 2024 Jakarta Regional Election . According to him, Jakarta residents currently have a variety of candidate names for Jakarta, including Sohibul Iman, Ridwan Kamil, and Anies Baswedan. Therefore, he is still waiting for direction from KIM regarding which name will be supported

Acting Governor of East Java (Jatim) Adhy Karyono assured the public that the 2024 Regional Election, which will be held simultaneously on November 27, will be entertaining. “According to the theme of tonight’s event, which is ‘Seneng Bareng’ (Happy Together), the organizers and the public as participants in the election should embrace it with shared joy,” he stated.

Suherman, with his extensive bureaucratic experience, is seen as the appropriate person to enhance Majalengka. This was expressed by Political Commentator from Bandung Islamic University, Fuady M. E.. He said that Majalengka Sekda Eman Suherman has very significant capital to run for Majalengka regent. According to him, the opportunity for Eman of being elected as the next regent in Majalengka are very possible. “This can be a very valuable asset because experience is priceless,” said M. E. Fuady in a press release, Sunday. According to him, there is a transition in patterns in the 2024 Pilkada. Fuady said that incumbents are currently not being highly regarded by Indonesian society. In contrast, he said, figures emerging from the bureaucracy, like administrative heads, are bringing a new perspective in the country. “I notice that in various regions, many Sekda are standing for election. This demonstrates that they have expertise in managing government functions and GCG,” explained M. E. Fuady.

“We are still very open, but we might prioritize KIM, leaning towards the Advanced Indonesia Coalition,” said Eko at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Tuesday. However, he stated that PAN has already decided to put forward Zita Anjani as the candidate for deputy governor. He noted that PAN envisions the female politician being paired with any candidate. “It would be even better, Zita Anjani with Kaesang, Kaesang as the governor, Zita as the deputy governor, both young, complementing each other, so it seems interesting to me,” said the politician who is also a member of the DPR RI

[vidio:VIDEO: If Ordered by the NasDem Chairman, Ahmad Sahroni is Ready to Run in the Jakarta Gubernatorial Election](

1. February 27 – November 16, 2024: notification and registration of election observers

2. 24 April-31 May 2024: submission of potential voter list

3. 5 May-19 August 2024: fulfillment of requirements for independent candidate support

4. May 31 – September 23, 2024: updating and compiling voter lists

5. 24-26 August 2024: announcement of candidate registration

6. 27-29 August 2024: candidate registration

7. August 27 – September 21, When you cherished this post in addition to you would want to be given details relating to Alasan KPU Minta MK Pertimbangkan Jadwal Pilkada 2024 kindly pay a visit to our own web-page. 2024: review of candidate requirements

8. September 22, 2024: determination of candidates

9. 25 September-23 November 2024: campaign period

10. 27 November 2024: voting day

11. November 27 – December 16, 2024: vote counting and result recapitulation

Previously, PDIP DPP Chairman Eriko Sotarduga revealed that if his party cooperates with PKB to nominate Anies Baswedan in the Jakarta Pilkada, his party would offer the gubernatorial seat in East Java to PDIP. “For example, if in Jakarta PKB becomes the gubernatorial candidate. Is it okay if in East Java PDIP becomes the gubernatorial candidate? It’s not a barter, but that’s what cooperation is, we cannot work alone, we cannot be egotistical because we cannot progress alone,” stated Eriko at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, on June 25, 2024.

Previously, PKS formally endorsed Anies Baswedan and Sohibul Iman as cagub and deputy gubernatorial candidates for the 2024 DKI Jakarta Pilgub. This was announced by PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu in his speech at the Party Leadership School titled ‘Always Defending the People’ at the Grand Sahid Hotel, Central Jakarta, on Tuesday. “The PKS Central Executive Board (DPP) in its meeting on Thursday, June 20, 2024, has decided to endorse Mr. Anies Rasyid Baswedan as cagub and Mr. Sohibul Iman as prospective deputy gubernatorial candidates,” stated Syaikhu. Syaikhu explained that the DPP PKS decision to nominate Anies and Sohibul Iman in the 2024 Jakarta Pilgub was based on the proposal from the PKS DKI Jakarta Regional Executive Board (DPW). “I have received a letter from the DPW DKI Jakarta structure that has put forward the DKI gubernatorial candidate to the DPP PKS, followed by the DKI deputy gubernatorial candidate to the DPP PKS, which includes a request to endorse and ratify Mr. Anies Rasyid Baswedan and Mr. Mohammad Sohibul Iman as cagub and cawagub for DKI,” said Syaikhu.