The Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) RI stated that it is starting the selection and evaluation process regarding the preparation for the 2024 simultaneous regional elections (Pilkada).

“PPP has endured a prolonged conflict before; internal division consumed a lot of time and yielded no positive results. Now, all party members must unite as one extended family, joining forces and working collectively. Therefore, set aside potential divisions such as the matter of the congress, whether it’s an special congress or an expedited congress,” said Fernita on Monday. Fernita noted that the organization already has rules or procedures in place. Thus, If you cherished this posting and you would like to get a lot more information about kindly go to the web page. a decision cannot be made by just one group or, in other words, without adhering to the set procedures. “So, if there are demands for an expedited congress to change the chairman, it must adhere to PPP’s rules or protocols. The execution of a general assembly must go through the party’s working meeting, before the National Leadership Meeting, and prior to that, a daily executive board meeting to determine the working meeting or Rapimnas,” she explained. “Recently, the IX Rapimnas, with the participation of 38 Regional Leadership Councils from across Indonesia, yielded a conclusion that the general assembly will be held in line with the AD/ART period, which is in 2025. This rejects all issues or pushes for an accelerated congress,” she highlighted. United Lastly, Fernita called for that post the 2024 election, the entire big family and senior members of PPP start packaging action plans for addressing the 2029 polls. “God willing|If God wills|Inshallah, by coming together, PPP will be ready to handle the 2029 polls even more effectively,” she ended.

The discussion addressed economic inflation and the 2024 local elections (Pilkada). “Oh yes, during a meeting of party leaders, they talk about many things. But what we talked about was inflation. We also discussed the Pilkada,” Zulkifli Hasan told reporters at the Presidential Palace Complex in Jakarta, Friday, June 14, 2024. Zulkifli Hasan mentioned he proposed ex-Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil, to be put forward for the 2023 Jakarta Pilkada. According to him, the suggestion was approved by the party leaders present at the gathering. “Yes, I suggested Ridwan Kamil for Jakarta, and everyone agreed,” he remarked. When asked whether Kaesang might accompany Ridwan Kamil in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada, Zulhas said that it has not been determined yet. However, he stated that the party leaders needed Kaesang to secure the Pilkada. “Yes, I believe so. I informed at that time to the President whether Kaesang would be allowed to. The President responded, ‘No’. But the parties need him,” he added. “Yes, but the parties need him. For what? To win,” Zulhas continued. He believes that Ridwan Kamil wouldn’t mind whoever accompanies him in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada, as long as it ensures victory. Zulkifli Hasan mentioned that Ridwan Kamil’s deputy would be decided by the party leaders. “Mr. RK (Ridwan Kamil) would accept anyone as long as they ensure victory. As long as they secure victory, we will discuss,” noted Zulkifli Hasan.

**Targeted by Golkar** The Central Java Regional Executive Board (DPD) of the Golkar Party is open to endorsing Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi as a gubernatorial candidate in the 2024 Central Java Pilkada. Meanwhile, the Secretary of the Central Java Golkar Party DPD and former Karanganyar Regent Juliyatmono in Karanganyar, Central Java, on Tuesday, mentioned that several potential names have been inventoried. “We are still inventorying all possible candidates, including Mr. Police Chief. Everyone wants to win,” he stated. According to him, the party is widely open to external figures who wish to run in the 2024 Central Java Pilkada. “It is very possible. Especially now, the situation is still dynamic. There are many capable candidates,” he said.

“In the current election, we have to be realistic. For example, why are we communicating with PKS when there has never been cooperation between PDIP and PKS before? With the condition of KIM possibly forming in West Java, it leaves only PDIP, PKS, PPP. We don’t know about NasDem, whether they will join the government. PKB has already, and we are continuously communicating with PPP and PKS,” explained Ono

Secretary-General of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Eddy Soeparno mentioned that the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) decided to support the same candidate in several regions participating in the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections. “We stated from the beginning that the Advanced Indonesia Coalition, especially for the DKI Pilkada, we will agree to support a uniform candidate pair, and

“Until July 24, we will conduct voter data coklit, where we want to ensure that all eligible residents of DKI Jakarta are included and recorded in our voter data,” said Fahmi. According to Fahmi, Pantarlih officers will visit each resident from house to house to match and verify the accuracy of residents’ data with the voter list and existing population documents. Fahmi stated that his party has received the Potential Voter Population List (Daftar Penduduk Potensial Pemilih Pemilihan) from the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri). At least, Fahmi said there are 8,315,669 voters in the Final Voter List (DPT).