The Most Overlooked Fact About Election Fraud Revealed

Assembly Republicans passed a resolution in March authorizing an investigation, and they’ve also ordered the state’s nonpartisan audit bureau to look into the election. Passed by Senate but awaiting consideration by Wisconsin Assembly, SB 203 allows absentee ballot return by for-profit delivery services and to alternate sites and polling places but restricts non-family members from delivering more than one ballot in any election for another voter. The plaintiffs wanted to take the absentee ballots to a private company for scanning and inspection, the newspaper reported. It establishes tamper-evident seal and double-lock requirements for overnight storage of tabulating equipment, memory devices, and absentee ballots. There are many reasons states may have for keeping information on specific cybersecurity requirements of state-run databases private and inaccessible to the public, including researchers. Other claims assert that small dots on the paper ballots are covert watermarks. Rather than breaking the official chain of custody, the Arizona election officials should have either made paper copies of the ballots or scanned the ballots for viewing electronically.

While talking to CBS News’s Norah O’Donnell, Biden said that Russia is the biggest threat to the security of the US and in terms of breaking the country’s alliances. BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: What’s Going On In Wisconsin? His comments come just days after the state’s Elections Commission released a report which found only 27 potential cases of voter fraud out of 3.3 million votes cast in Wisconsin. However, non-family members are still allowed to deliver a single ballot when designated to do so in writing by a voter otherwise unable to deliver it themselves. Taxpayers are on the hook in other states where Republicans have refused to let up their election claims despite finding no evidence of widespread fraud in more than half a year since Trump lost. But Trump continued to insist that he won the state. In the 2020 presidential election, the state of Wisconsin faced a lot of “controversy.” Social media users have been sharing posts claiming that during the night of Nov. 3 to Nov. 4 there were vote dumps of hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots only for Democrat Joe Biden in Wisconsin They faced a lot of other voter fraud allegations. There was a claim that 140,000 ballots for Biden were found in Wisconsin on the night of Nov. 3 to Nov. 4. President Donald Trump and his campaign were also claiming that there are too many “irregularities” with Wisconsin’s presidential election ballots to trust the outcome!

Trump and his allies claim there was voter fraud and other irregularities in the state, but those claims were rejected by state and federal courts. SB 212 prohibits election officials from intentionally assisting knowingly invalid votes to be counted or knowingly valid votes to go uncounted, and the same for voter registrations. SB 210 requires the municipal clerk, chief inspector, and board of canvassers to provide election observers “uniform and nondiscriminatory access to all stages of the election process, including recounts.” It requires observers to wear their name on a badge along with the name of any applicable organization and prohibits them from wearing campaign or ballot advocacy material. In any case, this truly is a ballot “audit” unlike any government-conducted election audit in modern U.S. The leak was among several pre-Election Audit gestures read in Taiwan-and elsewhere-as signaling the U.S. One report details almost 300 cases of voter fraud since 2016, including 41 referred to county district attorneys for criminal action, 13 of which are specific to the November 2020 election. “The request leaves those who understand these systems and processes with their hand up in the air saying, ‘What are you doing?

That recount produced discrepancies much larger than the normal variance that what would be expected for a hand recount of an election of this size. Almost all states list election fraud as a crime (often a felony) and many also specifically criminalize tampering with voting equipment. It makes a crime of failing to promptly report election fraud committed by another election official. Sandvick cited his dubious findings to push lawmakers to implement new laws tackling voter fraud despite failing to prove a single instance. Supporters for Wisconsin Voter Alliance (WVA) and its attorney Erick Kaardal, who has filed court cases against five of the largest cities in Wisconsin, met at the capitol for a rally last week against CTCL and similar 3rd party organizations. Mike Lindell is hosting a Maga Frank Rally on Saturday, June 12, from 11:30 AM – 4 PM in New Richmond, WI. The WEC will be meeting Wednesday, June 2 at 9 A.M.