The Prayer of Prophet Jonah: Arabic Text, Latin Transliteration, Meaning, and Its Benefits

Moreover, tahajjud prayer is considered the most special sunnah prayer. Tahajjud prayer is a sunnah prayer that was highly recommended by Prophet Muhammad SAW for his followers to perform. It is also mentioned in the Quran that those who perform tahajjud prayer will be elevated to a praiseworthy position in the sight of Alla

ty About the Past

People who have khodam will be more curious about things related to history. Those with khodam will like to ask older people and learn about the past. This includes when they were young, they were more interested in listening to stories from their

The concept of khodam is a general representation of the connection between humans and jinn. Someone who owns a khodam is believed to have the power to converse with genies. The concept of khodam originates from Arabic, which signifies assistant, keeper, special escort to be with someone. This khodam or helper is often described as a f

Dhikr is a deed beloved by Allah SWT, and those who perform it daily are promised Paradise by Allah. From Shaddad bin Aus radhiyallahu ‘anhu, he said that the Prophet shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said, “Whoever recites this dhikr during the day with full conviction, and then dies on that day before the evening, he will be among the inhabitants of Paradise. And whoever recites it at night with full conviction, and then dies before dawn, he will be among the inhabitants of Paradise.” (Narrated by Bukhari (7/150, no.

The last step of tahajjud prayer is reciting the prayer after tahajjud prayer. The prayer after tahajjud prayer is very important to practice as one of the methods of tahajjud prayer. In the narrations of Bukhari, Muslim, and Abu Daud, there is a prayer after tahajjud prayer that is usually recited at th


Supernatural beings that are mythologized to occupy the body may not be innate or on the other hand, these beings sometimes emerge due to certain human actions until they eventually inhabit someone’s body. An

Thinking Pattern

One of the characteristics of someone who has a khodam is having a mature thinking pattern, even if they are still young. The thinking pattern becomes the most important thing to pay attention to if you want to determine whether someone has a khodam or not. A child or teenager generally has an immature and stubborn thinking pattern. This is distinct from khodam owners, who can have

The method for tahajjud prayer, its intention and prayers must be understood by every Muslim. In addition, you of course also need to be aware of its tremendous benefits to be more motivated in performing this act of worship. To perform this ritual, you also need to understand the time for tahajjud p

“O Allah, our Lord, all praise is for You. You are the Sustainer of the heavens and the earth and whatever is in them. All praise is for You. You are the Sovereign of the heavens and the earth and whatever is in them. All praise is for You. You are the Light of the heavens and the earth and whatever is in them. All praise is for You. You are the Truth. Your promise is true. The meeting with You is true. Your Word is true. Paradise is true. Hellfire is true. The prophets are true. Muhammad (peace be upon him) is true. The Hour is

Character formation. Through this prayer, Muslims are instructed to humble themselves and admit their mistakes. Prophet Yunus’s supplication affects one’s character of generosity and cultivates a strong sense of humility in the

In conclusion, Prophet Yunus’s prayer holds very significant and relevant wisdom in a Muslim’s life. Through this prayer, Muslims can understand about the importance of patience, admitting mistakes, asking for forgiveness from Allah, and maintaining submission to Him. May you derive wisdom from Prophet Yunus’s story and apply it in your daily

In this way, a Muslim can obtain the maximum benefits from the act of dhikr. The following is the meaning of hasbunallah wanikmal wakil nikmal maula wanikman nasir in Arabic gathered from various sources, Monday (18/9/

its own benefits.

“It’s possible that the Prophet saw was only told about the merit of Muharram outweighing Shaban in the final days of his life, or perhaps the Prophet saw already knew about it but didn’t have the chance to increase fasting in the month of Muharram due to several obstacles, such as illness, travel, and the lik

The meaning of syafahallah is also used as a prayer to pray for someone who is sick. The difference is that syafahallah is aimed at a third person in the conversation who is female. The meaning of Syafahallah is also “May Allah SWT heal

Besides understanding when to do tahajjud prayer, you also need to know how many rak’ahs to perform. How many rak’ahs for tahajjud prayer? The answer is that it’s not limited. Tahajjud prayer is performed in sets of 2 rak’ahs with an unlimited number. According to the hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim, Rasulullah SAW never performed tahajjud prayer more than 11 or 13 rak’ahs (including witr). So, how many rak’ahs for tahajjud prayer can be answered with 8 or 10 ra

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