There is no deity except You, Exalted are You, Indeed, I have been of the oppressors: Requesting Assistance

Allâhumma antal abadiyyul qadîmul awwal. Wa ‘alâ fadhlikal ‘azhîmi wa karîmi jûdikal mu’awwal. Hâdzâ ‘âmun jadîdun qad aqbal. As’alukal ‘ishmata fîhi minas syaithâni wa auliyâ’ih, wal ‘auna ‘alâ hâdzihin nafsil ammârati bis sû’I, wal isytighâla bimâ yuqarribunî ilaika zulfâ, y

La ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minadzolimin is a phrase of remembrance and prayer that was recited by Prophet Yunus. He was a prophet from the Abrahamic religion known for reciting the dhikr la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minadzolimin repeatedly to seek assistance from Allah SWT (his Lord) to lift

khusnul khotimah.
Husnul signifies good while khusnul signifies dishonorable. Therefore, the meaning of khusnul khotimah is a shameful end. Certainly, this will be disastrous if someone passes away and then you utter or write, “may the deceased be khusnul khotimah” which implies may they en

In conclusion, Prophet Yunus’s supplication holds very important and relevant wisdom in a Muslim’s life. Through this supplication, Muslims can learn about the significance of patience, admitting errors, asking for forgiveness from Allah, and practicing obedience to Him. May you take wisdom from Prophet Yunus’s story and apply it in your daily

un’s intensity.”
“So, the young camel is sunbathing. So, when it starts to feel warm around 9 o’clock. That’s the better time for Dhuha prayer. It is said to be when the sun ascends about a quarter of the day, approximately 3 hours from sunri

Buya Yahya cites a hadith from Sayyidina Zaid bin Arqam radliyallahu ‘anh that he once saw a group of people doing the Dhuha prayer. Then he said, “Don’t you know that prayer at this time is more meritorious? Indeed, the Messenger of Allah SAW said, the prayer of the awwâbîn (Dhuha prayer) is when the feet of young camels feel the heat of the earth du

The prayer of Prophet Yunus is one of the most famous invocations in the Quran. Prophet Yunus is among the prophets dispatched by Allah SWT to communicate His message to his disobedient people. However, when his supplications and counsel were not well-received, Prophet Yunus opted to abandon them without Allah’s permission. As a consequence of his action, Prophet Yunus became trapped in the belly of a large fish for a p

yâ karîm.

Meaning: “My Lord, I ask forgiveness for my actions this year that You prohibited-while I have not yet repented, my actions that You overlooked due to Your generosity-while You are capable of punishing me, and (sinful) actions that You ordered me to repent from-while I engaged in them, which means disobeying You. My Lord, I hope You accept my actions that You are pleased with this year and my actions that are promised Your reward. Do not make me lose ho

Kashmiri Muslims praying during the month of Ramadan at a holy site in Srinagar, Indian-controlled Kashmir, May 7, 2019. At present, Muslims around the world are performing worship during the month of Ramadan by refraining from hunger, thirst, and desires from dawn

Allâhumma mâ ‘amiltu min ‘amalin fî hâdzihis sanati mâ nahaitanî ‘anhu, wa lam atub minhu, wa hamalta fîhâ ‘alayya bi fadhlika ba’da qudratika ‘alâ ‘uqûbatî, wa da’autanî ilat taubati min ba’di jarâ’atî ‘alâ ma’shiyatik. Fa innî astaghfiruka, faghfirlî wa mâ ‘amiltu fîhâ mimmâ tardhâ, wa wa’attanî ‘alaihits tsawâba, fa’as’aluka an tataqabbala minnî wa lâ taqtha’

Submission to Allah. Prophet Yunus’s prayer becomes an example of submission to Allah SWT. Even in challenging circumstances, Prophet Yunus remained obedient and willing to perform the task Allah had given him. This supplication instructs Muslims to always be obedient to Allah’s commands and carry them out sinc

Prophet Yunus’s perseverance and submission in carrying out Allah’s orders can also be a example for Muslims in facing life’s challenges and carrying out the tasks we shoulder. Prophet Yunus’s prayer is a reminder for Muslims that nothing is more important than taking refuge with Allah SWT and maintaining our connection wit


In the book titled The Power of the Prophets’ Prayers by Syamsuddin Noor, S.Ag, the phrase la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minadzolimin is a dhikr also referred to as the prayer of Dhun Nuun. La ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minadzolimin signifies seeking assistance which was recited by Prophet Yunus when he was fated to live for several days in the belly of a whale after being

One of the voluntary devotions that can be carried out daily is the Dhuha prayer. Citing the NU Online page, the time for Dhuha prayer is from when the sun ascends as high as one spear (seven cubits or 2.5 meters) until the time of zawâl (when the sun begins to

tter than before.
In the book titled Misteri Bulan Suro: Perspektif Islam Jawa (2010) by Muhammad Solikhin, the sacredness of the one Suro night commemoration is frequently observed through Javanese communities such as the Solo and Yogyakarta palaces conducting ceremonies and rituals, which persist to be inherited from generation

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