Wasekjen of the National Awakening Party (PKB), Syaiful Huda, stated that the change in stance of PKS, which initially nominated Sohibul Iman as the gubernatorial candidate (cagub) and then changed to making him the deputy gubernatorial candidate (cawagub) for Anies Baswedan, is a form of internal confusion within PKS.

Not Ready to Talk For now, Dico Ganinduto is not prepared to talk about the prospect of other candidates accompanying him in the 2024 Pilkada. “Yes, we are not ready to say anything yet,” said Dico Ganinduto.

Worldwide Context of Electoral Achievements

Comparing the ballot tallies, Prabowo’s triumph beats that of lots of global leaders, including Joe Biden of the USA and Narendra Modi of India. This contrast highlights the considerable autonomous engagement and political mobilization in Indonesia, a testimony to the vibrant democracy in the nation.

Huda reminded that the Jakarta Pilkada is very fluid and nothing is fixed yet, including PKS, even though they are the winners of the Jakarta Legislative Election, but they cannot nominate on their own. “Nominating two figures at once as governor and deputy governor candidates, that’s in terms of political etiquette for a party that already has a golden ticket, has 20 percent. Now, we know our PKS friends did win in the last legislative election. But they haven’t exceeded 20 percent because they only have 18 seats while the 20 percent is 22 seats,” he said. “So in my opinion, this model of hoarding figures for a party that doesn’t meet and doesn’t have a golden ticket is dangerous, dangerous,” he said.

However, it is considered challenging because he formerly withdrew from his position as Jakarta deputy governor to participate in the 2019 Presidential Election. This has prompted Sandiaga’s volunteers, who are part of Rumah SandiUno Indonesia (RSI), to make a statement. It is said that his resignation, currently serving as the Tourism and Creative Economy Minister, was for the good of the people. “Bang Sandiaga Uno’s action to withdraw from the position of Deputy Governor at that time was for the benefit of the people, especially the people of Jakarta,” said RSI Secretary, Denny H Suryo Prabowo, in his address on Tuesday (11/6/2024). He noted that Sandiaga is someone who is entirely devoted to his work and tasks. “Bang Sandiaga is ever prepared to accept responsibilities for the benefit of the country and the Indonesian people. Whether it was in the 2017 DKI Pilgub and the 2019 Presidential Election, the support for Bang Sandi Uno, who was alongside Pak Prabowo, from the people was also very large,” Denny stated. According to him, Sandiaga’s decision to resign from his position as Jakarta Deputy Governor was because he did not want to compromise the welfare of the people. “Sandiaga Uno didn’t want to set a bad example for the people by only taking a break from his position as deputy governor. He understood that his duties as deputy governor were arduous and could not be combined with the equally tough Presidential run,” Denny elaborated. He continued that Sandiaga Uno believed it was unfair to the people if he served with partial commitment, so he chose to step down from his position. “Bang Sandi Uno {felt|believed|thought

Maximum Effort When asked how optimistic he is about running in the 2024 Pilkada, Dico Ganinduto could not say for sure. He confesses he can only make his best effort and entrust the outcome to God. “I believe, as humans, we must strive and make maximum efforts. As much as possible, try with good intentions. We leave the results to Allah,” explained Dico Ganinduto.

Moreover, for the Jakarta Pilkada, they have not yet reported to the Chairman of PKB, Muhaimin Iskandar, also known as Cak Imin. “It is still at the Pilkada desk level, we have not reported to Cak Imin. For several Pilkada, including Jakarta, we have not yet reported to Cak Imin,” he said. Furthermore, Huda stated that the dynamics in the Jakarta Pilkada are still very fluid, even though PKS has already nominated Anies Baswedan-Sohibul Iman. “We must place everything, especially the Jakarta Pilkada, in a very fluid space. I can still say it hasn’t taken shape, not even with us. In KIM, the figures are still being pulled. This means the Jakarta Pilkada is still very fluid from all sides, from all camps. Including from the KIM camp,” he added.

According to Fahmi, there has been an increase of 62,000 in the DPT for the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada. This increase was found by KPU Jakarta after synchronizing the List of Potential Voters (DP4) from the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kementerian Dalam Negeri) with the DPT from the 2024 General Election. “In the upcoming Pilkada, the number of DPT after synchronization is 8,315,669, so there has been an increase of 62,000 voters,” he stated. Fahmi explained that the increase in the DPT for the Pilkada occurred due to the high population activity in Jakarta. Therefore, the DPT for the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada can still change. “Population activity in Jakarta is very dynamic. Today there may be 8,315,669 voters in the list, but in a week or a month, there could be changes due to people moving in or out, or deaths,” he stated.

This was conveyed by Fahmi at the Readiness Roll Call of Voter Data Update Officers (Pantarlih) for the Jakarta gubernatorial election (Pilgub) at the Jakarta International Velodrome, Rawamangun, East Jakarta, on June 24, 2024. “Yes, there has been an increase compared to the 2024 General Election. In the 2024 General Election, our number of voters was 8,252,897,” stated Fahmi.

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