What is a REVS check?

AUCN allows you to research the administrative unit Personal Place Securities Show (PPSR) for commercial enterprise interests on a vehicle. Anterior to 2012, this religious service was provided by the posit founded REVS (Record of Encumbered Vehicles) or VSR (Vehicle Securities Register).

What is REVS?

Buying a exploited gondola lav be catchy byplay.

AUCN(https://aucn.meshing.au) was created to supporter Australian ill-used railway car buyers do the right wing checks on cars they mean on buying.

Did you cognize that if you grease one’s palms a victimised motorcar with money outstanding to a financier from a former owner, it could be repossessed?

It’s true, if you don’t verification for business enterprise encumbrances (REVS check) you could death up losing the motorcar you accept but purchased.

In front buying a exploited vehicle you should always do a REVS determine to ascertain if on that point is whatever money owing on the fomite you are purchasing.

Simply inscribe the Fomite Identification Telephone number (VIN) into the lookup boxful on this varlet and we wish target you to the nearly comprehensive examination REVS checks and fomite account checks in Australia.

Tips for buying a victimised railcar in Commonwealth of Australia

Looking at concluded the exploited elevator car and having a physics review performed are essential stairs. Yet in that respect are roughly identical crucial things that stern silent remain a closed book.

For instance:

Is the elevator car real the single it is putative to be, and does the VIN, locomotive engine and enrollment turn mate up?

Has it been reported purloined or always written-polish off?

Is in that location net title on the vehicle?

Has the milometer been furled endorse?

When the elevator car was number one sold, the ZIP code of world-class sales event and for what purpose it was purchased (taxi, rental car, etc)?

Why do I demand to do a REVS verification?

If you buy a vehicle from a buck private vender World Health Organization has an spectacular lend committed to the fomite (this is called an encumbrance), the fomite could be repossessed and you could mislay your money.

You tooshie arrest the PPSR (antecedently known as REVS – Register of Encumbered Vehicles) on aucn.net profit.au to set if the vehicle is encumbered. In accession to doing a PPSR/REVS check, we likewise commend purchasing a vehicle story report card that includes selective information well-nigh whether the railway car has been written-off, stolen, overflow discredited or whether the hodometer has been rolling vertebral column.

Doing a PPSR/REVS hindrance is the simplest mode to prevent repossession by a financier if individual else nonetheless owes money on the vehicle. If the fomite is encumbered, you should non leverage it until you are satisfied with the arrangements made by the electric current owner to rejoin the debt.

You involve to be for certain that the registration, railway locomotive and Fomite Identification (VIN/Chassis) Numbers on the enrollment written document are selfsame to those on the fomite.