What is the Definition of Khodam? Recognize the Meaning and Characteristics of People Who Have It

n After the first rakaat is finished, the second rakaat is done in the same way as above. Then perform the final tasyahhud. After completing, recite the salam twice. The subsequent rakaat are performed the same as the example abov

Palace servants carry heirlooms while participating in the Kirab Pusaka and Tapa Bisu ritual ceremony in Solo on Saturday (31/8/2019) night. The procession takes place to mark the change of the Islamic New Year, which in the Javanese calendar is called first Suro. (me

In conclusion, Prophet Yunus’s supplication holds extremely important and relevant wisdom in a Muslim’s life. Through this supplication, Muslims can learn about the significance of patience, acknowledging mistakes, asking for forgiveness from Allah, and practicing submission to Him. Hopefully you can take wisdom from Prophet Yunus’s story and apply it in your daily

ght of First Suro

The prohibition on marriage on the night of first Suro is particularly implemented for people in Solo and Yogyakarta. Some of them believe that conducting a wedding celebration in the month of

ht of first Suro.

This is the reason why there is a prohibition on the night of one Suro such as not being allowed to leave the house. Additionally, some sources state that on the night of one Suro, many spirits are wandering around and can harm humans,

Prophet Yunus’s perseverance and obedience in executing Allah’s commands can also be a role model for Muslims in confronting life’s challenges and performing the tasks we bear. Prophet Yunus’s supplication is a reminder for Muslims that nothing is more important than taking refuge with Allah SWT and preserving our connection wit

Imparting patience. Through Prophet Yunus’s story, this supplication also teaches Muslims about the importance of patience and perseverance in dealing with life’s challenges. Patience is one of the qualities that is highly loved by Alla

Buya Yahya quotes a hadith from Sayyidina Zaid bin Arqam radliyallahu ‘anh that he once saw a group of people performing the Dhuha prayer. Then he said, “Don’t you know that prayer at this time is more meritorious? Indeed, the Messenger of Allah SAW said, the prayer of the awwâbîn (Dhuha prayer) is when the feet of young camels feel the heat of the earth du

The reading of Prophet Yunus’s supplication has a deep meaning and can be used as a self-reflection for Muslims. By uttering this supplication, Muslims are expected to learn lessons from Prophet Yunus’s story and use it as motivation to improve themselves and keep striving to get closer to

Dhuha prayer.

اَللّٰهُمَّ إِنَّ الضَّحَآءَ ضَحَاءُكَ، وَالْبَهَاءَ بَهَاءُكَ، وَالْجَمَالَ جَمَــالُكَ، وَالْقُوَّةَ قُوَّتُكَ، وَالْقُدْرَةَ قُدْرَتُكَ، وَالْعِصْمَةَ عِصْمَتُكَ. اَللّٰهُمَّ إِنْ كَانَ رِزْقِيْ فِي السَّمَآءِ فَأَنْزِلْهُ، وَإِنْ كَانَ فِي الْأَرْضِ فَأَخْرِجْهُ، وَإِنْ كَانَ مُعْسَرًا فَيَسِّرْهُ، وَإِنْ كَانَ حَرَامًا فَطَهِّرْهُ، وَإِنْ كَانَ بَعِيْدًا فَقَرِّبْهُ، بِحَقِّ ضَحَاءِكَ وَبَهَاءِكَ وَجَمَالِكَ وَقُوَّتِكَ وَقُدْرَتِكَ آتِنِيْ مَآ أَتَيْتَ عِبَادَكَ ا

am Bukhari:

“Allahumma Anta Rabbi, la ilaha illa Anta khalaqtani, wa ana ‘abduka, wa ana ala ahdika wawa’dika mastatha’tu, audzubka min syarrima shana’tu, abu’u laka bini’matika alayya wa abu’u laka bi dzanbi, faghfirli, fa innahu la yaghfir


“As stated in a verse of the Holy Quran, “And in some parts of the night (also) offer the Salat (prayer) with it (i.e. recite the Quran in the prayer), as an additional prayer (Tahajjud optional prayer) for you (O Muhammad). It may be that your Lord will raise you to Maqaman Mahmuda (a station of praise and glory, i.e. the highest degree in Paradise).”

In this predicament, Prophet Yunus begged for forgiveness and turned in repentance to Allah SWT. This prayer of Prophet Yunus is renowned for the phrase “There is no god but You, Glory be to You. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers”. This supplication demonstrates Prophet Yunus’s profound remorse and submission. Allah SWT then answered Prophet Yunus’s supplication and released him from the stomach of the

or a human to do.

Meanwhile, the law of having a companion or ancestral khodam can change to haram if the practitioner is fasiq or departs from obedience to Allah SWT and His Messenger. Especially if the act of utilizing khodam can cause shar’i dharar and provide no benefit at all. So, you should always consult the Quran and hadith for all decisions you make in life, follow Allah’s commands and shun His prohibitions. It’s best to avoid things you don’t understand and that have no basi

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