Live A Lucid Life: Make it easy to live a life that is free of difficulties

1 Million Subscribers by RBLXPahealArchive on NewgroundsIt is a natural human experience to dream. Every one of us goes through the state of dreaming as we go to sleep. Some of us recall and retain the dream experience quite well, others may claim they “Do not dream” because they don’t recall any dreams. Regardless of whether we recall our dreams or not, every one of us has a variety of states of dream during the course of our daily sleep. The dreams we have come to us in a myriad of shapes and styles. The subject matter of our dreams can vary from the ordinary to extremely exciting and thrilling. Many people experience something frightening in their sleep; the frightening dreams are often described as nightmares or night terrors. At other times we experience dreams that are thrilling and thrilling, and even sexually erotic. The majority of our dreams is mundane or trivial. A lot of people view dreams as a mental “sorting out” of events that occur in their daily lives. Others believe dreams are gifts from God or another higher power. They may help us understand our lives or foretell the future. Others believe their dreams are only a link to their subconscious thoughts. According to scientific studies, all humans dream frequently. Our ability to remember the dreams we have is what differentiates us. Certain people can recall multiple dreams in a single night quickly and accurately. Some people have trouble recalling any dreams even a single dream. Some people go far beyond just dream recall and can even control the things that happen in their dreams. Lucid Dreaming is a form of dream control. A Lucid Dream is a dream in which the dreamer is aware that they are in fact dreaming, and achieves an experience of “Conscious Awareness” in the dream. This allows the person dreaming to control their dream and determine what transpires. Lucid Dreams allow us to feel what we see while we sleep. Lucid Dreaming permits one to manage the events that occur in a dream. The amount of control you can exercise will be determined by your desires and who you are. Sometimes you have more control than other people over your dreams. Two things are always present in Lucid Dreams: Lucid Dream:

A Lucid Dreamer may not always be able to fully control their dreams. They are more likely to make changes in a dream than someone who doesn’t practice Lucid Dreaming. Lucid Dreams do not necessarily assure you that you are in control of your dream. But it is certain that you will be able experience the Dream and be aware that it’s a dream. Lucid Dreaming can be experienced by anyone. You Read Full Article that right. Anyone can participate in Lucid Dreaming. Some people are more likely to start than others, however with a bit of persistence and some practice everyone can have Lucid Dreams. The ability to trigger the Lucid Dream State is simply the matter of practice and training yourself to differentiate between the time you’re awake and when you are dreaming. Many people are initially attracted to Lucid Dreaming because it offers an easy and affordable method of achieving it. (Free!! Yippee!) outlet for us to experience our fantasies. Lucid Dreaming offers us the opportunity to have fun and allows us to realize our most profound fantasies. It gives us a place to explore our imagination and provides us with the ability to access our subconscious minds. The most vivid and unforgettable thoughts that most people ever experience are those of dreams. The Lucid Dream state gives us direct access to these memories. Once you’ve started to explore Lucid Dreams you will discover that you can’t have enough. The most exciting thing about lucid dreaming is that it gives you full control over everything that takes place in your dreams. In essence, you are the boss; you are in complete control over your entire dream world. When you are in your dream , you are free to do whatever you’d like. Certain people attain a degree of control over their desires that they are able to actually create and form their own dream universes. The dreamer has complete control over every aspect of their dream. This allows for the dreamer to live, or “Live out” any fantasy or experience that they may desire.

One of the very most apparent benefits of Lucid Dreaming is the very fact that you are in control of your dreams. You get to do what you want, you are in charge. The sole restrict as to the you can certainly do in your Lucid Desires are these required by your imagination.  And On top of that – Their All Free!! Yet another good gain is that you should use this time for effective tasks. Could you imaging, 20 complete years asleep, incredible. Well, by using Lucid Dreaming you will be able to regain a percentage of that lost time. You need to use your Lucid Desires for a variety of tasks. You need to use it for fun and recreation, have a journey around the globe (you won’t actually need a plane), See the world and meet new persons (even celebrities) all from the ease of your personal bed. Besides being a big pile of fun, Lucid Dreaming also offers you some very nice chances to explore the inner workings of your own mind. Their important to understand that enough time you regain by utilizing Lucid Dreaming can be useful for more “Concrete” undertakings. You will want to training it when you are in your Lucid Desire state. Understand a language, play the piano, training public speaking – whatever it’s your focusing on you can now work on it in your sleep. To receive added information on live a lucid life please visit this website. When you are experiencing a Lucid Desire you are able to get a handle on the length of activities while they unfold. You have the ability to push the action from hostile or unpleasant experiences, and guide the dream towards more pleasurable experiences. You can restrict, or even entirely remove, any hostile or negative subjects that may arise in dreams. This power allows you to virtually destroy any nightmare before it actually happens. Lots of people also realize that the time spent in Lucid Desire states may be well applied to concentrate on Therapeutic or Issue Solving. Lots of people report they’ve built unbelievable bodily recoveries from ailments or found the responses to difficult issues within their lives by utilizing Lucid Dreaming techniques. Anyone can become a Lucid Dreamer. The first faltering step involved in becoming a Lucid Dreamer is only to get the want becoming a Lucid Dreamer. After you have built that simple choice it is merely a matter of time until you can handle having that incredible experience. The capability for someone to generate a Lucid Dream State is just a subject of training and training. After you have shown yourself how to separate between as soon as your are alert and if you are dreaming, you is likely to be effectively on the road to encountering Lucid Desires on a typical basis. Leave yourself notes throughout the position that question that question. Wondering this simple problem can be so schedule to the mind that ultimately you will question that question when you are sleeping and you will answer, “Yes” ;.At these times you will undoubtedly be properly on the road to Lucid Dreaming.

Lucid dreams have been used for centuries by people all across the globe to ease stress and experience the best sleep. One of the easiest methods to have lucid dreams is to experience a WILD or wake induced Lucid Dream. When you wake up just prior to REM sleep, and regain consciousness before entering REM and a wake-induced lucid dreams is what you do. This type of lucid dream is extremely easy to accomplish. This kind of lucid dreaming is extremely popular for people who are still new to the lucid dream concept. You can initiate the lucid dreaming process by setting an alarm about 5 hours before you go to bed. Once the alarm goes off (try with a gentle alarm instead of a loud one) Try to remain as calm as you can. Gaining too much consciousness at this point can result in the WILD to stop working. Turn off the alarm to relax back to a peaceful state. In the beginning, when you close your eyes, your mind will be tempted to fall back into sleep . However, you have to resist this urge and continue to tell your self you are dreaming. When your mind and body is relaxed, you’ll begin to observe the colors. These colors are not yours to shape or control. The colors will begin to create objects as you get more relaxed. This is the process of getting closer to dreaming. Once you are fully in dream state you can start to control the dream by forming thoughts. They will come to life and play in your mind. You’ll know you’ve achieved dream state when you are able to use all your senses in the dream world i.e. the senses of sound, sight, touch, smell. A lucid dream can help you release stress. People who are suffering from excessive stress find this type of exercise extremely satisfying. Although the fantasy may come to an end, it’s better to escape for a short time than to live your entire life (sleep included) in stress.